日期:2015-05-21 12:35


In the 13th Five Year Plan, these principles can be shaped in a variety of ways:
First, China can continue to open up sectors for private investment, as it has already done effectively in the Shanghai Free Trade Zone and elsewhere. A move to a nationwide negative list for restricted industries, rather than the positive list currently used could accelerate this process. The reduction of administrative burdens on small enterprises, which caused the number of new businesses to jump by 50 percent, is evidence that further improvements in the business climate has much scope to generate growth and jobs in the years ahead.
Second, achieving higher efficiency and more innovation requires more competition. For the overwhelming majority of China’s enterprises, the domestic market will be the main or only market, and ensuring entry and competition in this market and avoiding the distortions and waste that come with monopolies and oligopolies is key.
China could consider raising competition policy to a different level by establishing an independent competition authority that can impartially rule over uncompetitive behavior and level the playing field.
Third, China can accelerate State-Owned Enterprise reforms. Provinces are currently developing their own reform plans, and are separating commercial from non-commercial enterprises, which is a good first step. Focusing on the return on assets of commercial SOEs and their contribution to the government budget is a second element of reforms.
Allowing more mixed ownership in SOEs across the board can improve the way these enterprises are governed and the efficiency with which they use society’s resources. But increasing transparency of SOEs, increasing accountability, and hardening budget constraints are crucial for higher performance and more efficient growth.
This will also be critical for China’s role in the international arena where a level playing field – in trade, investment, and development – will be critical too.
Let me acknowledge that reforms of the depth and nature that China is pursuing are not only tough but unprecedented. As I mentioned at the outset, they often come with trade-offs and are triggering opposition by those that benefit from the status quo.
As Premier Li recently told the media:
“Reforms will upset vested interest. It is like taking the knife to one’s own flesh. But despite the pain we will continue.”
Withstanding the temptation to slow or weaken the reform path towards the ‘New Normal’ will require strong leadership. So it is good to see that China’s leaders are focused and aware of the challenges ahead.
If China manages to implement a truly inclusive, sustainable and efficient growth model, a triple win may be in reach: For its people, for its country and for the global community.
