可可翻译小讲堂 第17期:旅游,全球化与可持续发展
日期:2013-06-22 17:00


Tourism,Globalization and Sustainable Development


Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors of the global economy and developing countries are attempting to cash in on this expanding industry in an attempt to boost foreign investment and financial reserves.While conceding that the uncontrolled growth of this industry can result in serious environmental and social problem,the United Nations contends that such negative effects can be controlled and reduced.


cash in:从…中牟利;兑现

in an attempt to:试图;企图 eg:The police fired into the air in an attempt to disperse the crowd.警察朝天开枪,企图驱散人群。

foreign investment:海外投资 eg:To absorb foreign investment. 吸引外商投资。

Many developing countries facing debt burdens and worsening trade terms,have turned to tourism promotion in the hope that it bings foreign exchange and investment.Simultaneously,leading international agencies such as the World Bank,United Nations agencies and business organisations like the World Travel&Tourism Council(WTTC),have been substantially involved to make tourism a truly global industry.


turn to: 1.求助于,求教于:She turned to me for advice. 她求教于我。2.致力于:He turned to the study of Shakespeare.他致力于莎士比亚的研究。

in the hope that:怀着对。。。的期望;希望能。。。I am dong this in the hope that you can improve your English even faster.

World Travel&Tourism Council(WTTC):世界旅游及旅行理事会

However,tourism in developing countries is ofen viewed by critics as an extension of former colonial conditions because from the very beginnig,it has benifited from international economic relationships that structurally favor the advanced capitalist countries in the North.Unequal trading relationships,dependence on foreign interests,and the division of labor have relegated poor countries in the South to becoming tourism recipients and affluent countries in the North to the position of tourism generators.


The North is used to refer to the richer, more developed countries of the world. 北方发达国家

最后一句话的主语很长,是:Unequal trading relationships,dependence on foreign interests,and the division of labor




I've been rich and I've been poor----and i can tell you ,rich is better. 富裕也好,贫穷也罢,我都经历过。说实话,富裕肯定要比贫穷好。(省略关联词和已经出现过的作主语的人称代词)

活到老,学到老。 One is never too old to learn.(增添了人称代词)

  • extensionn. 伸展,延长,扩充,电话分机
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的
  • uncontrolledadj. 不受控制的
  • expanding扩展的,扩充的
  • controlledadj. 受约束的;克制的;受控制的 v. 控制;指挥;
  • boostvt. 推进,提高,增加 n. 推进,增加 v.
  • dispersevt. 分散,传播,散开 vi. 分散
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • simultaneouslyadv. 同时地(联立地)
  • dependencen. 依赖,信赖,上瘾