雅思口语:a piece of art(2)
日期:2017-12-25 16:58


  对于art这个话题,出现在雅思口语Part 1就够要命了,Part 2里面它也经常来凑热闹,a piece of art,无论是sculpture还是painting,烤鸭们都不太知道从何下手。如果要描写嗷嗷有名的,那就没啥瞎说的空间,虽然考官不在乎你是不是撒谎,但是他们也不想你把他们当成傻子骗啊…… 最近出了关于梵高的电影,有孩子就把星空那幅画和电影联系起来了,顺便也说了一下那首Starry Night,这确实是个聊蛮久的素材。不过比较省力气和偷懒的一个出路,就是人物类跟物品类话题的完美合并。人物类应该是大家最熟悉的话题,无论是人物外貌还是生平事迹,大家背的都贼熟练。所以首先要说服自己,名人蜡像或者名人雕塑就是艺术品!然后大胆的跟考官介绍吧:
  The piece of art I'd like to describe is a life-size sculpture I saw in an art museum. It's a statue of a famous historical figure Wu Zetian who's the first and only female emperor in Chinese history.
  It was last summer vacation, my friends and I took a trip to XXX where the largest art museum in China is located.
  The biggest selling point is the statue I mentioned earlier in the center of the exhibition.
  The statue is made of clay, and it's impeccably carved, I mean, everything is down to the last detail, I could even see her facial expression clearly.
  She's dressed in a gown, with well-designed pattern. And she just stood there, staring into the distance. It feels like her eyes could see through everything.
  The artist interviewed quite a few historians and went through countless materials, and finally, he recreated the woman who'd been in power for 15 years in our history.
  When I was looking at her eyes, somehow, I felt empowered. I mean, her life story is such a legendary one, you know, she came into power when she was 67 years old when most people in modern society have long retired. I guess what she did just tells us that it's never too late to be the person you could have been.
  So you see, visiting that sculpture in person was quite an experience.
  life-size = (also life-sized) = the same size as a person or thing really is 例如:
  a life-size statue
  selling point = a feature of something that makes people want to buy or use it例如:
  The price is obviously one of the main selling points.
  Sales departments try to identify a product's USP or 'unique selling point'.
  clay = a type of heavy, sticky earth that becomes hard when it is baked and is used to make things such as pots and bricks
  impeccably = without mistakes or faults = perfectly例如:
  to behave impeccably
  impeccably dressed
  impeccable manners/ taste
  Her written English is impeccable.
  He was dressed in a suit and an impeccable white shirt.
  gown = a woman's dress, especially a long one for special occasions 例如:
  an evening/ wedding gown
  into the distance = far away but still able to be seen or heard例如:
  We saw lights in the distance.
  Alice stood staring into the distance.
  Five miles of sand stretched away into the distance.
  see through somebody/something = (not used in the progressive tenses) to realize the truth about somebody/something 例如:
  We saw through him from the start.
  I can see through your little game (= I am aware of the trick you are trying to play on me).
  go through = to look at or examine something carefully, especially in order to find something 例如:
  I always start the day by going through my email.
  She went through the company's accounts, looking for evidence of fraud.
  recreate = to make something that existed in the past exist or seem to exist again例如:
  The movie recreates the glamour of 1940s Hollywood.
  empower somebody (to do something) = to give somebody more control over their own life or the situation they are in例如:
  The movement actively empowered women and gave them confidence in themselves.
  life story = the story that somebody tells you about their whole life例如:
  The guy I was sitting next to on the plane insisted on telling me his life story.
  Newspapers have offered big money to publish her life story.
  I'd like to talk about a wax figure of Jack Ma I saw in the wax museum when I was visiting Shanghai.
  It was about 2 years ago, my friends and I took a trip there. We went to the famous wax museum, Madame Tussaud's, and we saw lots of wax sculptures of famed people from past and present. I was so excited 'cause all of them are lifelike, wearing real clothes. I took tons of pictures with them 'cause I could hardly ever see celebrities in person.
  The best part is, I saw the wax figure of my idol, Jack Ma who's the richest man in China. What surprised me most is that he's even shorter than I am. He just stood there in a suit, reaching his hand out like this (此处应有body language). So I took a picture with him, pretending that we were shaking hands. The angle was perfect, I mean, it looked like he's really looking at me.
  In front of the sculpture, there was a plaque introducing his life story in both Chinese and English. And to be honest, that was the first time I knew his English name—Jack.
  Madame Tussaud's = a museum in London, England, started in 1835 by a Frenchwoman, Madame Marie Tussaud (1761-1850). It contains wax figures of famous people from past and present, and the Chamber of Horrors, an exhibition of famous crimes and punishments.
  lifelike = exactly like a real person or thing 例如:
  a lifelike statue/ drawing/ toy
