雅思口语:you need to arrive early for an appointment
日期:2017-12-06 07:13


  在回答雅思口语考官“Describe a time you need to arrive early for an appointment”之前,一定要搞清楚appointment什么意思,我们来查查牛津高阶,上面的解释是这样的:a formal arrangement to meet or visit somebody at a particular time, especially for a reason connected with their work,所以这个解释就给了我们一个灵感,我们可以写job interview啊!一般职场小白在第一次面试的时候,都紧张的不要不要的,为了显示自己对这份工作有着足够的重视,肯定都会早到很久。或者不是我们主动想要早到,用人单位也会有“请提前XX分钟”到场的规定吧。所以,这个选题肯定不会跑题,放心整吧:
  This topic reminds me of the time I needed to go to a job interview a few months ago. Back then, I applied for an internship in XX, a famed electric company. For students who major in electric and automation, getting a full-time job at this company is like a dream come true. So I thought maybe if I could be an intern, it could give me an advantage over other candidates.
  However, it's not that easy to become an intern in this kind of company. I need to pass an interview in order to get in.
  I remember my interview was arranged on a Monday morning. This company is located in Changchun, but my school is in Jilin, which is about 40 minutes train ride away. So I booked the ticket one day in advance, which means I arrived in Changchun on Sunday. This interview was so important to me. I couldn't afford to be late. I need to show them that I take this job seriously. So I booked a hotel that was so close to the company that I don't have to worry about being late.
  If I remember right, my interview was scheduled at 9 a.m. And I was there 1 hour earlier. I was so desperate to leave a good first impression on those interviewers.
  After I arrived there, I didn't expect to see other candidates, but in fact, some of them were there way earlier than me! So I guess I wasn't the only one who wanted to nail that job interview.


  apply = to make a formal request, usually in writing, for something such as a job, a place at college, university, etc. 例如:
  to apply for a job/ passport/ grant
  to apply to a company/ university
  internship = a period of time during which a student or new graduate gets practical experience in a job, for example during the summer holiday/ vacation 例如:
  an internship at a television station
  come true = (of a hope, wish, etc.) to become reality 例如:
  Winning the medal was like a dream come true.
  If I win, it will be a dream come true.
  intern = a student or new graduate who is getting practical experience in a job, for example during the summer holiday/ vacation 例如:
  a summer intern at a law firm
  advantage = a thing that helps you to be better or more successful than other people 例如:
  Being tall gave him an advantage over the other players.
  desperate = [not usually before noun] needing or wanting something very much例如:
  He was so desperate for a job he would have done anything.
  I'm desperate for a cigarette.
  I was absolutely desperate to see her.
  nail = to achieve something or do something right, especially in sport.
  He nailed a victory in the semi-finals.
