雅思口语:music bar
日期:2017-11-27 09:41


  雅思口语里有个music bar的问题,听音乐的地方,不一定非得是symphony hall,那种穿着大背心儿人字拖不让入内的那种。我们完全可以去很亲民又有品位的地方,比如街角放着背景音乐的咖啡厅之类的。而且其实专门有种地方,既可以欣赏live music,又可以有吃有喝,而且可能每天请来的歌手风格都不重样。即使没去过,也肯定在电视里见过。为什么推荐这个素材呢,因为大家可能不会描写symphony hall,但是大家都熟悉café呀。把café配上live music,我们的music bar就成型了。
  I'd like to talk about a music bar that's located in the city center, only 10 minutes' walk from my place, so I always go there during weekends or sometimes after school.
  The owner of this bar has great taste, and he always hires those talented singers or pianist to perform for his guests. That's why it's a magnet for music lovers. It's also our favorite hangout when me and my friends want to get together. We can order snacks, and all kinds of drinks are available in this bar. We can chat while listening to the music.
  The bar has various themes on different days of the week. For example, on Monday, the performers would play Blues, 'cause 'Blue Monday' you know. And on Tuesday, pop singers would be invited to this bar, so teenagers like me would always show up there on Tuesdays. And my favorite theme is rock and roll during weekends when the whole place would get so lively. Audience would jump up and down, raise their hands up in the air, and dance to the music. The atmosphere, I mean, the sound and lighting effects are just awesome.
  So you see, this place is a paradise for music fans, and also a great place to chill out and release the pressure.


  blue = sad = depressed 例如:
  He'd been feeling blue all week.
  paradise = a perfect place for a particular activity or kind of person 例如:
  The area is a birdwatcher's paradise.
  chill out = to spend time relaxing; to relax and stop feeling angry or nervous about something 例如:
  They sometimes meet up to chill out and watch a movie.
  Sit down and chill out!
  release = to express feelings such as anger or worry in order to get rid of them 例如:
  She burst into tears, releasing all her pent-up emotions.
