经典900句突击雅思口语高分 常考话题段落描述2-16:购物中心
日期:2017-01-16 14:15


Shopping center
I often go to Trust Mart to buy things that I want. Trust Mart is a popular chain store in Guangdong. It enjoys large popularity among the people, especially those who are ready to be economical. There you can buy clothes,food, stationary etc. there are some specialties in the Trust Mart. People can apply for being a member of it. Once you become a member of the store, you are entitled to a large variety of benefits when purchasing,like price-off policy, special favorites each week, to name the very least. I enjoy my shopping there for the following reasons. First, there is a huge amount of choices provided so that you can select the best one that you want. Moreover, the shop assistants are considerate enough to give advice on different products on the basis of your demands. Finally, the after-sale service is excellent. Any customer, who is not satisfied with the products they bought, can get the refund or exchange for a new one as their wish. What a terrific shop!
我经常到Trust Mart买我需要的东西。Trust Mart是广东有名的连锁店。它深受大家的喜爱,尤其是节俭的人。他们可以在这里买衣服,食品,生活用品等。Thist Mart也卖许多特产。人们可以申请成为会员。一旦成为会员,购物时你会得到多重好礼,仅列举其中几个,譬如:低价策略,每周特别商品等。我喜欢在那里购物有以下原因。首先,它提供大量可选商品,因此我们可以选最中意的。其次,售货员会基于你的根本需要对不同产品耐心地给予意见。最后,它有很好的售后服务。任何消费者对所买商品不满意都可退款或按他们意愿更换新商品。多棒的商店啊!
