incentive-indignant The incumbent's indigestion
"I would like to incorporate this newest index into all of our dealings with the indigenes.
"我想把这个最新指数 并到所有与土着的 交易中,
This will give them an incentive not to incite any incongruous behavior against us."
这将给他们一种刺激, 不让他们煽动任何对 我们不合适的行为。"
Said the incumbent president of the community developm -ent organization. "But that would mean the loss of their rights in one large increment!"
社区发展组织现任主席 说。 "但这将意味着他们将 在一次大的增值中丧失 他们的权利, "
Said the president-elect. "I don't think we should be so incessant about our need to control this project.
当选主席说道。 我认为我们没有必要这 样持续不断地控制这个 项目。
The data you are looking at is indefinite about why the project is stalled.
你看到的数据 并不能清楚地说明为什 么要推迟这个项目。
This is a project that the indigenous people want and hope for. If we show any inclination to take over,
这是土着们想要并希望 得到的一个项目。 假如我们表明有意把这 个项目接过来,
they will begin to ask for an indemnity And we can't afford that. All indicators show
他们就会要补偿金, 这 可是我们负担不起的。 所有指标表明
that we should continue to work together with them as a team." "This is incredible,
我们应该继续与他们 团结合作。" "真是不可思议,
that you are already trying to take over when I am still in charge." The incumbent said, overreacting.
我还没下台你就已经谈 接管了。" 现任主席说, 他的反应 有些过火,
"If you would please just sit down, I will forget this incident of your incursion on how I run things."
"假如你能坐下来, 我会忘记你刚才侵犯我 的管理权这一件事。"
"I thought the decision making process was supposed to be inclusive of every participant." The president-elect said
"我认为决策过程 应该包括每位参与者。 当选主席说。
He could tell this was incurring the wrath of the incum- bent, but he didn't care.
他能看出自己的发言正 惹怒现任主席, 但他并不在乎。
This issue was too important. That was when the incumbent stood up,
这个问题太重要了。 就在这时, 现任主席站了起来,
ready to become indignant at the accusation. Suddenly he bowed over, however, and was rushed from the room.
准备对当选主席的 指责表示愤慨。 可是突然间, 他扑倒在 地, 被人急速送出了会 议室。
They were all sure that he had a heart attack, but his aide came back and said it was only indigestion.
与会者都肯定他犯了 心脏病, 但他的助手回来说, 他不过是有点儿消化 不良。
They would have to continue their meeting tomorrow. The president-elect frowned; his plane left tonight.
他们明天还得继续开会 当选主席皱起了眉头, 他的飞机今晚就离开了