攻克雅思超级外教课 第67期:正误判断类题目不可怕 IELTS Reading strategies-True,False,Not Given(4)
日期:2016-08-24 17:18


Okay. So now, let us look at "false". What does it mean if you write "false"?
Okay. Now, let's talk about "false". What does it mean to be "false" in this section of the IELTS?
If you write "false" for the fact at the bottom after the reading passage, it means you're saying the fact is opposite.
So if you read the reading passage, you read the fact, the fact says, "All cats are black."
假如你们看了文章,也看了这个陈述句,陈述句写着"All cats are black."(所有的猫都是黑色的)
The reading passage says, "Not all cats are black."
而文章中写着"Not all cats are black." (不是所有的猫都是黑色的)
That would obviously be "false", okay? So the fact is opposite.
And, again, you have to look out for words like "all" versus "some", "often" versus "always".
This is how they trick you, so if it says, "All children should eat broccoli" -- if that's what the fact says.
考试的时候这里经常会有陷阱,假如陈述句写着"All children should eat broccoli"(所有的孩子都应该吃西兰花)。
In the statement...in the reading passage, if it says, "Some children should eat broccoli", this would be where you would write "false".
而文章中写着"Some children should eat broccoli"(一些孩子应该吃西兰花),那么这个时候你们就应该写下”错误“。
So let's look at an example. Let me go to this side so you can see better.
"The first personal computer was invented in the 1970s."
"The first personal computer was invented in the 1970s."(第一台个人计算机是在二十世纪七十年代发明的)。
So this is what it says in the reading passage, it's a long passage, imagine, on personal computers, and you come to this section.
Now, you look at the fact afterwards. So you finish reading.
Here is the fact. "Personal computers were first invented in 1990."
这里有个陈述句:"Personal computers were first invented in 1990." (私人计算机首次被发明出来是在1990年)。
Is this true, false, or not given? Well, what would I do?
First thing I would do -- and also I should point out, it's not good to read the passage first.
It's better, in my opinion, to look at the fact at the bottom of the passage and then look for information in the reading passage.
This will save you some time. Now, let's do this how I would do it if I was doing the IELTS.
