雅思口语素材:a gift that took you a long time to choose
日期:2016-02-26 17:41


  最近两个季度,雅思口语有一道好讨厌的题目是a gift that took you a long time to choose。这一口语题目烦就烦在它不是单纯的描写礼物,还得说为啥花了好长时间准备。其实买礼物不就是一个精心挑选的过程么,每次送出我们的心意之前,都得冥思苦想,确保对方满意。那在雅思考试时我们就把这个心路历程讲明白就好了嘛!
  The gift that took me a long time to choose is a birthday gift for my XXX, who’s like the most picky person I know in this world. So finding a perfect gift for her is like mission impossible. And what makes it even harder is the fact that she’s already got everything she needed. So as you can imagine, I really racked my brains trying to think of what to get her.
  再下面可以说一下你一项一项排除的过程,例如At first, I had my eye on a XX, but on second thought, XX is never really her thing. I also thought of getting her a XX, ‘cause she’s obsessed with collecting XX, however, I’m afraid she’s already got a complete set of them. XXX was also on my list, but that would be way out of budget/that would cost me an arm and a leg.
  Just when I was totally stuck for what to buy, I heard XX was on the market. It came as a lifesaver. I thought, why not give her that. She’s always into new stuff like that. So I just ran to the shopping mall. The shop assistant was really nice/hospitable. She introduced the functions patiently to me, like… (你懂的,下面就开始变成单纯的描写某个物品了对吧!把之前准备的素材都搬上来占时间吧!)
  I’m pretty satisfied with the gift. XX LOVED it as well, and she appreciated the thought. I guess it’s fair to say, it’s the most successful gift I’ve ever picked so far.

  • hospitableadj. 好客的,殷勤的,易于接受的,宜人的
  • impossibleadj. 不可能的,做不到的 adj. 无法忍受的
  • appreciatedvt. 欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别 vi. 增值;涨价
  • obsessedadj. 着迷的
  • budgetn. 预算 vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算 vi.