大陆版剑桥雅思10真题听力 第28期:Test3(section1-4)
日期:2015-10-30 11:53


Now, does she have any medical conditions we need to know about? Does she have asthma or any hearing problems for example?
No. But she does need to wear glasses.
Oh, I'll make a note of that.
Yes, she's pretty good about wearing them, she can't see much without them.
Right. OK.Now, I also need emergency contact details.
So what sort of information do you need?
Just the name and number of a friend or family member we can contact in case we can't get hold of you at any time.
OK.That'd better be my sister...Jenny Ball. That's B-A-double L.Her phone number is 3346 7523.
Great. So she is the child's aunt?
Yes, that's right.
I'll make a note of that as well. Now, is there anything you'd like to ask?
What about payment? How much are the fees each term?
Well, for two days and the hours you've chosen, that will be $450 altogether.
OK, and do I have to pay that now?
No, we send out invoices once the children start at the centre. You can choose to pay at the end of each term or we do offer a slightly discounted rate if you pay every month.
Oh I'll do that then. I find it easier to budget that way and I'm not used to the term dates just yet.
Good, it makes it a lot simpler for us as well. Well, that's everything.
Would you like me to show you around...?
That is the end of section 1. You now have half of a minute to check your answers. Now turn to section 2.

  • slightlyadv. 些微地,苗条地
  • paymentn. 支付,付款,报偿,报应
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • budgetn. 预算 vt. 编预算,为 ... 做预算 vi.
  • asthman. 哮喘