日期:2014-11-25 09:39





It is important to preserve both the culture and environment of the places you visit,but some people think it is impossible to be a responsible tourist.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


题目解释: 最近,一些有责任心的游客开始关注旅游目的地的文化和环境保护。然而,其他人认为游客很难做到负责任。你同意吗?
首段建议各位同学在写作的时候不要用大段的语言和似乎很有亮点的语句堆砌在一起的写法。为什么呢?因为这样的写作一方面耗时耗力,等你首段写完就只剩下写结尾的时间了,另一方面,很多同学中间段的写作逻辑思路大多不够清晰,写作不够细致,不够地道,很难保持首段的写作质量,甚至是大失水准,容易让考官理解为首段模板,最后,没有必要给首段赋予太多的新意和内涵,雅思写作只是一种任务式的写作,完成即可,没必要写的悲天伶人,催人尿下,或者惊天地、泣鬼神,屌不炸天,誓不为人。既然是argument,首句直接表明自己的观点:Iam inclined to agree that for the longer term, responsible tourists are required for protection of both environment and culture in local tourists' attractions. 然后阐述一点理由。This is partly because tourists are the inalienable part of tourists market and culture.
2.body 1
中间段第一段重点论述游客和旅游景点的关系(relation between tourists and scenic spots)。先说游客的旅游目的(purpose of tourism)是为了了解和欣赏(appreciate)不同文化(distinct culture)、不同环境(environment)的生活,因为有了异域文化(exotic culture)的存在,我们的旅游才体现出它的价值(be worthy to trip)。因此,对当地风俗、习俗的尊重和理解(respect and understanding of local customs and culture)是作为一名游客最基本的素质要求(be basically required),也就是入乡随俗(do in Rome as Rome does)。比如:送礼文化(gift-giving)的不同,节日服装(festival costumes)的不同。游客应该在旅游过程中充分享受不同文化所带来的乐趣,尽量去尊重它,并且只有在模仿(imitate)异域文化,充分融入当地社会的时候,游客才能得到旅游的价值和意义。
第二段重点论述当地旅游景点的问题。诚然(granted),在一些景点中,确实会出现一些游客的不文明现象(immoral behaviors),比如,随地吐痰(spit everywhere),乱扔垃圾(toss away rubbishes),破坏文物(damage cultural relics)等,作为当地的管理部门应该给出相应的惩罚(fire on this),甚至限制游客的人数(limit the number of tourists)等,而不是一味地只是为了赚钱,忽视当地的文物和环境保护,甚至出现很多的旅游景点过度商业化(over-commercialized),各种现代商店充斥景点(modern stores have flooding into scenic spots)。虽然提供给游客方便是景点的义务,但是不能过于商业化,到处都是麦当劳,肯德基,高楼大厦,不但破坏了风景(scenery),而且失去了本地的特色文化。
4. Conclusion
结尾再次重申观点,表明自己的立场。我们需要负责任的游客(responsible tourists),但更需要保持本地特色,本地文化的共识(concensus),去商业化、去山寨化(over-commercialization and copycat culture may be abolished),才是我们需要关注的重心。


As the worldwide tourism is booming uqprecedentedly. culture and environment of the historical sites are under serious threat. Therefore, the prevailing current of thought is that being a responsible tourist seems like an unlikely event,with which I side.
In some aspects, chances are that visitors are able to shoulder the responsibility of the improvement of local areas. A case in point is that tourists could be flexible and tolerant of the culture clash. In addition, their attitudes towards environmental protection will also be well shaped by their consciousness. Nevertheless, though being of integrity, tourists have little else to do in myriad other areas.
Taking the environmental elements into consideration, people find that the flooding of tourists leads to the destruction of tranquility in the tourism destinations. And for the purpose of attracting an increasing number of visitors to keep the money rolling in, businessmen are in high spirits in embanking new projects, which critically victimize both eco-system and landfonn.
The reason why being responsible tourists are impossible should also be considered from the cultural perspective. Firstly,difference on both culture and custom will trigger misunderstandings, which finally leads to conflicts. Since no matter for visitors or locals, it is not easy to adapt to something new, such as languages, foods and clothes. What is worse, the prevailing of highly commercialized tourism put many ethnical cultures on the danger list. For instance, a great number of minority fanners choose to make some streamlined and common-seen handicrafts to attract tourists rather than preserving their traditional farming culture which symbolizes the intelligence of their forefathers.
All in all, after the assessment of the impact on environment and culture, it is obvious that the likelihood of being a reponsible tourist is rather small. Sony to be dramatic, but the situation will last at least in the immediate future.

  • shouldern. 肩膀,肩部 v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩)推挤
  • integrityn. 诚实,正直,完整,完善
  • traditionaladj. 传统的
  • improvementn. 改进,改善
  • dramaticadj. 戏剧性的,引人注目的,给人深刻印象的 dram
  • exoticadj. 异国的,外来的,奇异的,脱衣舞的 n. (复数
  • currentn. (水、气、电)流,趋势 adj. 流通的,现在的,
  • protectionn. 保护,防卫
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • disagreev. 不一致,有分歧,不适应,不适宜