雅思口语激情之旅:Science&Technology Part 3(2)
日期:2012-02-16 17:36


2. Should we invest much more on the advancement of science and technology? Why?


Candidate 1: My answer is absolutely "yes". There's no doubt that with the rapid development of science and technology, our life has become more convenient and comfortable. Take the Internet for example, today we can just click the mouse and then the information we need will come to our eyes. What's more, we can talk face to face just like we're sitting in the same couch, even though the distance between us is thousands of miles. But every coin has its two sides. We should pay more attention to the developing technology overused in the wrong way at the same time. Given more viruses on the Internet, we should use our real identification more carefully when we're on the Internet.

All in all, we should decidedly develop the advancement of science and technology, but at the same time we should keep an eye on the bad guys who want to abuse them.

Candidate 2: I think we should invest much more on the advanvement of science and technology. As we all know, with the development of the world, science and technology has improved the quality of our life and made a great deal of wealth.

First of all, we invest much more on the advancement of science and technology, so that it can make our country develop quickly. For example, England relied on science and technology so that it became the first industrial country of the world in the 1800s.

In addition, science and technology can improve the environment and the quality of our life. We can find out the environment and the quality of our life are better than those in the past. At last, the advancement of science and technology can make us become rich.

So we should invest much more on the advancement of science and technology. Maybe we can get more advantages from science and technology.

Candidate 3: I don't think we should invest much more on the advancement of science and technology. On the contrary, we should invest much more on protecting the environment.

As we all know, the problem of the environment has become more and more serious. Many trees have been cut down just because we need too great quantities of wood for our advancement of science and technology. But we recognized that the pollution of the environment threats the life of humans, which is too late to make up for our mistake.

What's more, the pollution of the atmosphere is another mistake humans made. Now we have no chance to breath the air as fresh as that 10 years ago, which is a great loss for us. However, we must pay attention to the advancement of science and technology to help us to make more money to improve our living standards and push the development of the society. What's more, we can take advantage of the science and technology to help us to solve the problems of the environment pollution.

Above all, I think the advancement of science and technology is very important, but it isn't the most important task for us. We want to live better and better, but if our lives are trodden, we will have nothing.

Candidate 1开始用absolute表明了自己的立场,科技的发展会给我们的生活带来翻天覆地的变化,接着列举了网络的例子。但是,凡事都有两面性,我们不能滥用科技,否则会自食其果;Candidate 2也是持肯定态度,引用了英国科技强国的例子;Candidate 3表明,我们应该加大对科技的投资力度,但前提是在保护我们的环境。


  • convenientadj. 方便的,便利的
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地
  • advantagen. 优势,有利条件 vt. 有利于
  • additionn. 增加,附加物,加法
  • solvev. 解决,解答
  • identificationn. 身份的证明,视为同一,证明同一,确认
  • contraryadj. 相反的,截然不同的 adv. 相反(地) n.
  • pollutionn. 污染,污染物
  • abusen. 滥用,恶习 vt. 滥用,辱骂,虐待
  • candidaten. 候选人,求职者