日期:2015-06-29 09:32



漫画作文的审题非常重要,如果审题失误,就会导致全盘皆输。不过这个漫画的寓意还是非常明显:鱼钩上是现实—“一条小鱼”,而头脑中是梦想—“一条大鱼”,所以暗含的是现实与梦想之间的差距。并可以将话题延伸至面对生活的态度,当现实与梦想不一致时,我们应该采取什么样的心态。本篇漫画作文可能涉及的主要语言素材包括:face the reality(面对现实);rise to challenges(迎接挑战),keep a positive attitude(保持积极的心态);a smooth sailing(一帆风顺),keep every steady step(步步为营),fight to realize my dream(努力拼搏去实现梦想), part with dreams(丢下梦想)。

From this picture, we can see a man is fishing a river. Though dreaming about a big fish, he actually harvests a very tiny one.
I think the picture is telling us that there is always a difference between one's dream and reality (高级句式,宾语从句). Everyone has his dreams. However, it is not so easy for people to realize their dreams every time (高级句习式,it作形式主语).
In my opinion (高级短语), we should never part with our dreams,(高级表达) because if dreams are gone, we may still exist, but we have ceased to live. However, if the reality comes against our dream, we should accept it and try to learn from our failures. With another try (高级句式,with结构), we may finally gain what we dream of (高级句式,主从复合句).

The picture showed (动词时态错误,应用一般现在时) that a fisherman dreamed to catch a big fish with his fishing pole, but actually, he just caught a very small one. He was so sad. This situation shows us the difference between dream and reality. In our life, people always plan well and practice hard to get what we (代词错误,指代主语,用第三人称复数they) want. But the result is different, even opposite. In the case, we (与前文主语不一致,应用they) should insist on our (指代不一致,应用their) dream and keep on trying. They can realize their dream soon or later (固定短语错误,应为sooner or later).

