高中课本听力北师大版模块7:Unit 22 lesson 1-3
日期:2012-04-17 14:47


Serious diseases like malaria will spread and natural resource industries such as fishing and forestry will be negatively affected. Increased temperatures will also cause the polar ice-caps to melt, raising sea levels, and flooding coastal areas. How can we stop these diseaters from happening? Governments all over the world have a responsibility to reduce their country's release of greenhouse gases. If less carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, global warming will slow down. This is no easy task, however, and as individuals, we need to play our part. Experts suggest making small changes like taking public transport, recycling, using low-flow shower heads, and buying energy-efficient light bulbs. Even simple things like using recycled paper or switching off lights when you leave the room can help. If we add up all these small changes made by everyone worldwide, there will be a very significant effect on the future of the Earth.

  • affectedadj. 受影响的,受感动的,受疾病侵袭的 adj. 做
  • spreadv. 伸展,展开,传播,散布,铺开,涂撒 n. 伸展,传
  • meltvi. 融化,熔化,消散 vt. 使融化,使熔化,使消散
  • releasen. 释放,让渡,发行 vt. 释放,让与,准予发表,发
  • transportn. 运输、运输工具;(常用复数)强烈的情绪(狂喜或狂怒
  • greenhousen. 温室,暖房
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的