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日期:2012-01-17 14:14


1. 表示许多多个,通常只用作定语。如:
I have various letters to write. 我有好几封信要写。
Various people said they had seen the accident. 许多人都说目睹了这次事故。
2. 表示各种各样的形形色色的种种的等,多用于名词前作定语,但有时也用作表语。如:
For various reasons I’d prefer not to meet him. 由于种种原因我还是不见他为好。
We’re making changes in various directions. 我们正在多方面进行改革。
His excuses are many and various. 他的理由(借口)既多又是五花八门。
3. various与different的区别:
(1) various表示各种各样的各不相同的等,主要指彼此不同且种类繁多,强调异而多。如:
There are various ways of cooking an egg. 鸡蛋有各种各样的煮法。
There’s been snow today in various parts of the country. 今天全国各地都下了雪。
(2) different表示不同的,指的可能是种类不同、不相像、不一样、不是同一个等,只强调异,不强调多。如:
Mary and Jane are quite different. 玛丽与简大不一样。
This is not what I want; I want a different one. 我要的不是这个,我要一个不同的。
(3) 比较下面两句:
He gave various reasons (=a number of different reasons) for being late. 他为自己的迟到举出了种种理由。
This time he gave different reasons (=not the same as last time) for his being late. 这次他为自己的迟到举出了不同的理由。
(4) 由于various不仅强调异而且强调多,所以其后接的名词通常用复数;而different强调的只是异而不是多,所以其后的名词可以是单数或复数。

