2018年中考(江西卷)英语听力真题 独白
日期:2019-04-18 14:12


Hello, I have some information about your English classes. Listen carefully. The school opens on Monday and all students do an English test Your first lesson is on Tuesday. There are three levels. If your lesson is too easy or too difficult, don’t worry. You can try a different level on Wednesday.
Now, about the rooms. English lessons are usually held in rooms 14, 15 and 16. But when you go to do your test, please go to room 16. It’s the only one that’s big enough for everyone to sit and write at the same time.
English lessons usually last for two hours. You have two lessons each morning with a twenty-minute break between them when you can buy coffee and snacks. Your English test only takes an hour, however. So you have time to look around the school on your first day.
