日期:2013-02-22 16:09




  Name Zhang Yining sex girl City Beijing

  Birth 1982.10.5 height 1.68m weight 52 kilos

  Achieve -ments 六岁开始学习乒乓球, 在1999年45届世乒赛上(the 45th Table Tennis World Championships)显示非凡的实力,获得亚军。 在2004年的雅典奥运会(Athens Olympic Games)上夺得金牌。 在刚刚结束的国际世乒赛(ITTF)上夺得女子单打冠军,成为乒乓球领域中的顶尖。


  I'd like to introduce a girl to you. Her name is Zhang Yining. She was born in Beijing in 1982. She is 1.68 meters tall and weighs 52 kilos. At the age of six, she began to play table tennis. In 1999, she won the second at the 45th Table Tennis World Championships. In the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, she won the first. And now she won the women's singles at the ITTF World Cup. She becomes the top of the table tennis field. We hope she will make greater progress in the future.
