英语六级满分作文精讲 第80期:爱的方舟
日期:2017-12-15 14:13



an ark of love
The outbreak of SARS caused a great panic all over the world. People at first felt bewildered, and then worried, and finally utterly helpless, because SARS viruses spread so rapidly and were so highly infectious that scientists had not yet time to detect the origin of the disease, let alone to produce a cure and therapy for it. Thousands of sars cases were reported to have developed in a round 26 countries and still more cases were under suspicion. Pessimists thought that it was god's punishment to human beings and human beings could hardly look forward to a narrow escape.
In China, the situation was especially serious in April and May. Every day people listened with great tension to the radio broadcast which reported the increasing number of SARS victims and probable cases, initially found in a few provinces and major cities and soon in more areas. Just as people found themselves in a tremendous epidemic turmoil, the CPC committee and the central government timely issued a series of rigorous measures with governments at all levels immediately responding to the call, such as setting aside massive funds, setting in operation tracing, monitoring and registering mechanisms, pasteurizing public surrounding environments, examining fever symptoms, keeping vigilant watch on hard-hit areas. However, of all the measures, the most dynamic and emergent was designating SARS specific hospitals and assembling doctors and nurses.
Armed with face masks and wrapped in thick white gowns, the warriors in white worked around the clock, risking their own lives and leaving behind their families and children.
For months, they were confined with the patients to the isolated island. Quite a number of them got infected and many died. Those who recovered soon went back to their posts.
They said that in the name of nightingale, they would burn themselves to light others. Their heroic deeds and selfless devotion moved people to tears and inspired them to bravely fight against the god of plague. People called them angels in white and the most beloved of the era who were building an ark of love, sailing fearlessly on the rough sea to the harbour of safety.
Now, with SARS gradually fading away, people have become more conscious of the importance of health and civilization, and above all, love and unity. SARS is always there, and people have no full idea what other evils there are in pandora's box. However, if people always love each other and always unite as one, there will be no evil that they cannot conquer.

SARS in the world
SARS in China
situation severe
CPC's measures
warriors in white
heroic heeds
selfless devotion
author's advice
love each other
unite as one


本文是一篇报告文学性的记叙文, 文中概括记叙了国内外SARS期间的情况, 重点在党中央和中央政府对战胜sars 所采取的一系列决策, 其中尤以指定专门医院和调集医护人员为主, 然后描述了白衣战士的奉献和牺牲精神并点明主题“白衣天使正在打造爱的方舟, 她们是当代最可爱的人”。最后一段是作者的忠告, 要团结一致才能战胜一切洒向人间的种种罪恶。本文中引用了《圣经》中“ 诺亚方舟”的典故以及希腊神话中“潘多拉魔匣”的典故作为借喻。此外, 本文中的句型和表达法也值得学生的学习。

an ark of love 爱的方舟
outbreak n. 突然爆发
panic n. 恐慌
at first felt bewildered, and then worried, and finally utterly helpless 一开始感到迷惘, 继而忧虑, 最后完全无能为力
highly infectious 传染性很强
detect the origin of the disease 探测病源
let alone to produce a cure and therapy for it 更不用提拿出药物和疗法
cases under suspicion 疑似病例
could hardly look forward to a narrow escape 很难指望幸免
tension n. 紧张
probable cases 疑似病例
initially ad. 起初
tremendous epidemic turmoil 极大的因瘟疫而引起的骚动
rigorous measures 有力的措施
governments at all levels 各级政府
responding to the call 响应号召
setting aside massive funds 拨出大量资金
setting in operation tracing , monitoring and registering mechanisms, pasteurizing public surrounding environements, examining fever symptoms , keeping vigilant watch on hard-hit areas 启动跟踪、监察和登记机制, 公共场合消毒, 测体温, 密切注意重疫区
dynamic a. 有力的
emergent a. 紧急的
designating SARS specific hospitals 指定非典专门医院
assembling doctors and nurses 调集医护人员
armed with... 以……武装
wrapped in thick white gowns 裹着厚厚的白大褂
worked around the clock 日夜工作
were confined to the isolated island 封闭在孤岛上
in the name of nightingale 以南丁格尔的名义
heroic deeds and selfless devotion 英雄事迹和无私奉献
moved people to tears 催人泪下
the god of plague 瘟神
angels in white 白衣天使
the most beloved of the era 当代最可爱的人
sailing fear lessly on the rough sea to the harbour of safety 无畏地航行在波涛汹涌的海面, 驶向安全的港湾
fade away 逐渐消失
pandora's box 潘多拉魔匣
unite as one 团结一致, 众志成城

  • confinedadj. 幽禁的;狭窄的;有限制的;在分娩中的 v. 限
  • emergentadj. 出现的,紧急的,新兴的
  • roughadj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的
  • panicn. 恐慌 adj. 惊慌的 vt. 使 ... 惊慌
  • conquervt. 征服,战胜,克服 vi. 得胜
  • therapyn. 疗法,治疗
  • epidemicn. 传染病,流行病 adj. 流行的,传染性的
  • tensionn. 紧张,拉力,张力,紧张状态,[电]电压 vt. 使
  • timelyadj. 及时的,适时的 adv. 及时的
  • specificadj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的 n. 特效药,特性