日期:2016-11-29 06:26



Conversation One

W: Hey, Tom. I wonder if you can help me. I've been so busy sightseeing these days and I haven't done any shopping. Now it's almost the end of my tour and I'm leaving tomorrow. I need to buy some presents for my family members but I don't know where to get them.
女:嘿,汤姆1w6W*G|Pbgh4iMu~Z+Zx。我在想你能不能帮我个忙@Qs53^!!;16]ltYdf(。我这几天一直在观光游玩,没有买什么东西8KxX|qR==LC。现在这次旅行就要结束了,我明天就走了%E%* pU.^o=xCEU_A。我得给家人买些礼物,但是又不知道去哪儿买fPeR-r3.8^cgOg1k37QS
M: I'm glad to be of any help. Do you have anything particular in mind?
W: Well, I need to buy a warm jumper for my mother so that she can wear it in winter. My sister likes perfume. And then some wine or aftershave for my brother.
M: Can we stop for a moment so I can tell you where you may get those things. Have you got a map there? Well, there's a Scorch Wale shop here on the left side as you go down Regent Street from the hotel you are staying. They have all kinds of jumpers and tartan skirts and...
男:能不能打断一下,我告诉你去哪里买这些东西u0L%F|DvM)T。你有地图吗?嗯,从你住的酒店开始出发,沿着摄政街一直走,街道左侧会有一家Scorch Wale店e%1Ff|IBdUSl_gC0N。那里有各种各样的毛衫和格子呢裙...
W: Oh, tartan skirts? That's what I want for myself. I love those skirts. And do they also sell socks? I'd like to buy some too.
M: I'm not sure, but there is a sock shop on the opposite side of the street in fact. Now, as to perfume...
W: No. I've changed my mind. I think a book for sister and a record for my brother may be better. Can I get those near Piccadilly?
M: Oh, yes. There is big record shop. And not far from there, you will find a good selection of books at Harcher's.
W: Ah, I see. Well, that's about everything then. Thank you, Tom. Now let's go to have a cup of coffee first. My treat.
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question 1.What was the woman doing these days?
问题1 这位女士这几天在干什么?
Question 2. What does the woman want the man to do?
问题2 这位女士想让男士做什么?
Question 3. What does the woman want to buy for herself?
问题3 这位女士想给自己买什么?
Question 4. What is the woman going to do after the conversation?
问题4 对话结束后这名女士会做什么?
