日期:2016-11-14 06:50



Passage Two

Yesterday, a man named Edwin saved two 12-years-old boys in San Francisco Bay. Yesterday afternoon, a group of party guests had gathered at the edge of the picnic area, screaming and pointing at something floating in San Francisco Bay. As Edwin ran to investigate, he soon saw what was wrong: A couple of kids in a rowboat were caught in the current and being pulled out to sea.
The two boys, Christian and Jack, who had been at the party earlier, climbed into an eight-foot boat and began rowing out to take back a football. Unfortunately, a beach umbrella caught the wind and pulled the boat into open water. The pair panicked and tried to row back to shore. But they were no match for the elements and spun helplessly in circles. "We were crying and screaming at each other to keep rowing," says Christian.
Edwin, 34, a former lifeguard, now an executive at a renewable-energy company, recalls "Everything went quiet in my head, I was trying to figure out how to swim to the boys in a straight line." Then Edwin stripped off his clothes and jumped into the frigid water. After 30 minutes of battling the current, he was about a mile from his starting point and close enough to yell to the boys, "Take down the umbrella!" Christian wrestled with the tangle. Finally, he uncoiled the knotted cords and freed the umbrella. Then Edwin was able to catch up and climb aboard the boat. "We're going to get back," he told them.
埃德温,34岁,曾是一名救生员,现在是一家再生能源公司的总经理,他回忆说“我当时很冷静,我在想怎么样能直接游到两个孩子身边去VQ#y^CxjBcgKQy|XX)。”然后埃德温脱下衣服跳进了冰冷的海水中O;n]SvmCXSEn4。在游了 30 分钟后,埃德温到达距两个男孩大约一英里的地方,足以向他们喊话,他说:“把遮阳伞放下来!”克里斯汀在混乱中尽量应对Vw;3M^QG~j0w%qv7]~M。最后,他解开绳索摆脱了遮阳伞S|+C3vMRR-i。然后埃德温就追上去爬上了划艇yWkxc1vHG%2jzBE_7。他告诉他们,“我们要回去了6&U@Q!mF+1。”
Questions 13 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.
Question 13. Why did the two boys climb into a boat and begin rowing?
问题13 两个男孩为什么爬上划艇开始划船?
Question 14. What do we know about Edwin?
问题14 关于埃德温,我们知道什么?
Question 15. What did Edwin tell the boys to do before reaching them?
问题15 埃德温在接触到两个小孩之前告诉他们了什么?


