俞敏洪四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第33期:4-3
日期:2015-04-28 10:35


Word List 4-3

1.eager adj.热切的,热衷的,渴望的

【例】be cager to do sth. Many people are eager to work in that big company.
【用】eager表示浓厚的兴趣、迫切的渴望。常见搭配和句式有:①be eager for/about/after(渴望,渴求,争取);②be eager to do(急欲,渴望做)。

2.mechanic n.机械师,技工
【例】We have jobs for teachers.doctors,nurses,engineers.car mechanis and many others.
我们有教师、医生、护士、工程师、汽车技工和其他很多职位。( 1999)
【派】mechanical( adj.机械的,机械制造的;似机械的,呆板的)

3.liable adj.有法律责任的,有义务的;易于…的,有…倾向的
【例】If something happened.the manager must bc liable for the company.

4.feature n.脸的一部分:[pl.]面貌:特征,特色:(电影)正片,故事片;(报纸等的)特写 vt.是…的特色,以…为特色
【例】Saving money is not a typical feature of the middle-class.
存钱不是申产阶级的典型特征。( 2002)
This magazine will be running a special fetUure on education next week.

5.participate vi.参与,参加
【例】For too many highly intelligent working women, home repre-sents chore obligations, because the husband only tolerates her work and does not participate in household chores.
时于许多聪慧的职业女性来说,家庭意味着.必;页做繁杂的家务事,因为丈夫仅仅能容忍她们工作但不会参与家务事。( 2001)

6.chronic adj.(病症)长期未愈的,慢性的:极坏的,极差的
【例】He:dth experts said chronic non-infectious diseases were the main causes of deaths,covering 16% of the total number of deaths.
健康专家说慢性非传染疾病是致死的主要原因,占总死亡数的16% 。

7.corrupt adj.腐败的,贪污的:腐烂的,污浊的 v.使败坏,腐蚀,使腐坏;贿赂
【例】The girl has been corrupted.这个女孩儿堕落了。
The next moming, when I tumed my computer back on, it informed me that a file had been corrupted and Windows would not load.
第二天清晨,当我重新打开电脑时,它提醒我文件已被破坏,Windows无法下载。( 2009)

8.dwarf n.矮子,矮小的人(动物、植物)v.使矮小,显得渺小;使相形见绌
【记】<白雪公主和七个小矮人》Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
【例】Although he wasa dwarj: he was bom with an ambition.
Our house is dwarfed by that big villa.
