日期:2018-08-10 16:50





I'm Shirley Griffith. And I'm Steve Ember with the VOA Special English program PEOPLE IN AMERICA. Every week we tell about a person who was important in the history of the United States. Today, we tell about Anne Morrow Lindbergh.She was a famous pilot and writer. Anne Spencer Morrow was born in nineteen-oh-six in Englewood, New Jersey. Her father was a very rich banker. He later became the American ambassador to Mexico. Her mother was an educator and poet. Anne went to Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. She wanted to become a writer. She won two major prizes from the college for her writing.


Anne Morrow was a quiet, shy and small young woman when she met Charles Lindbergh in nineteen twenty-seven.He was staying with her family in Mexico City. The twenty-five year old man was tall and good looking. Charles Lindbergh was one of the most famous people in the world. He had just become the first person to fly a plane alone across the Atlantic Ocean, from New York to Paris. Two years later, Anne and Charles Lindbergh were married. Reports about their marriage were on the front pages of newspapers around the world. After her marriage to Charles Lindbergh, Anne became a pilot. She learned to plan an airplane flight as a navigator, operate a radio and fly a plane.She began making many long airplane flights with her husband. In nineteen thirty, she became the first woman in the United States to get a pilot's license to fly a glider, which does not have an engine. That same year, the Lindberghs set a speed record for flying across the United States.They flew from Los Angeles, California to New York City in fourteen hours and forty-five minutes. Anne Lindbergh was seven months pregnant at the time. The Lindberghs explored new ways to fly around the world. They flew almost fifty thousand kilometers over five continents. Anne and Charles Lindbergh were famous around the world.


They seemed to enjoy the greatest luck that any young people could have. Then in nineteen thirty-two something terrible happened. The Lindbergh's first baby, twenty-month-old Charles, was kidnapped from their home in New Jersey. The body of the baby was discovered more than ten weeks later. Bruno Richard Hauptmann was arrested, tried, found guilty and executed for the crime. There were a huge number of press reports about the case. Newspapers called it "the Crime of the Century." After the trial, the Lindberghs found it difficult to live in the United States. There were threats on the life of their second child. And there were too many newspaper stories about them. So Anne and Charles Lindbergh moved to Europe in nineteen thirty-five. Four years later they moved back to the United States. Anne Morrow Lindbergh never fully recovered from the death of her first child. Yet, she and her husband had five more children.She continued flying. In nineteen thirty-four, she became the first woman to win the National Geographic Society's Hubbard Gold Medal. She was honored for her exploration, research and discovery.


Anne Lindbergh began writing to ease her sadness. She wrote several books about the flights with her husband. Her first book was "North to the Orient" in nineteen thirty-five.She wrote about their flight in a single-engine airplane over Canada and Alaska to Japan and China. This is what she wrote about landing in northern Canada and jumping out of the plane. "Then two little Eskimo boys came up shyly and followed me about. Their bright eyes shone under their caps as they searched my face and costume curiously. 'You see,' said one of the traders, 'You're the first white woman they've ever seen. There's never been one here before.' "Three years later Anne Lindbergh wrote "Listen! The Wind." It was about the Lindberghs' fifty thousand kilometer flight. It became very popular. One critic said it described the poetry of flight as no other book on flying had ever done.


In nineteen forty, Anne Lindbergh wrote a book called "The Wave of the Future."She wrote it while Europe was fighting World War Two. She wrote that she did not support communism or fascism. But she said they were unavoidable. She wrote that she hoped the United States could avoid entering the conflict. And, in a letter, she wrote that she was beginning to feel that the German Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was a very great man.Her husband had become unpopular for expressing similar beliefs. Many people criticized the book. Missus Lindbergh later admitted that both she and her husband failed to see the worst evils of the Nazi system. She stopped writing for many years.




Anne Morrow Lindbergh began writing again in nineteen fifty-five. She wrote a book called "Gift from the Sea." It was about women's search for meaning in their lives. "Gift from the Sea" was one of the most popular books in America. It has sold more than one million copies and has influenced many women.In "Gift from the Sea", Missus Lindbergh wrote about the many different kinds of pressures that women face.


She wrote that women who are wives and mothers have many different interests and duties. They must be able to deal with their husband, children, friends, home and community. She found it difficult for women to balance all these duties and still make a place for themselves. Yet she said that women must try to find a balance in their lives. In "Gift from the Sea," Anne Lindbergh described how women had to perform many jobs that pulled them in different directions like a circus performer. "What circus act we women perform every day of our lives. It puts the trapeze artist to shame. Look at us.We run a tight rope daily, balancing a pile of books on the head. Baby-carriage, parasol, kitchen chair, still under control. Steady now!This is not the life of simplicity but the life of multiplicity that the wise men warn us of. It leads not to unification but to fragmentation.It does not bring grace; it destroys the soul."


Anne Lindbergh found that one answer to this problem was to be alone. The book described how she spent time by herself on an island by the sea.She studied the sea shells she found. And she made her life simpler. During the nineteen seventies, Anne Lindbergh wrote several more books about the happy and sad events of her life.One of these is called "Hour of Gold, Hour of Lead." She wrote about the joy of flying. She also wrote about the pain she and her husband felt after the body of their baby son was discovered. "We sleep badly and wake up and talk. I dreamed right along as I was thinking – all of one piece, no relief. I was walking down a suburban street seeing other people's children and I stopped to see one in a carriage and I thought it was a sweet child, but I was looking for my child in his face. And I realized, in the dream, that I would do that forever." Charles Lindbergh died in nineteen seventy-four at the age of seventy-two. The next year, the readers of Good Housekeeping magazine voted Anne Morrow Lindbergh one of the ten women in the world they liked the most.In nineteen ninety-six, Missus Lindbergh was invited to join the National Women's Hall of Fame. She was honored for her success as a pilot. Anne Morrow Lindbergh died at her home in Vermont in two thousand one. She was ninety-four years old. Many people have been influenced by the way she dealt with both happiness and sadness. They respect the way she lived life to the fullest. And they like the advice about living that they find in her books. "If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly in those moments."




1.execute vt. 执行, 实行, 完成, 处死, 制成


A soldier has to execute a command without question.


2.recover v. 重新获得, 恢复, 复原, 拯救


It didn't take long for me to recover from the surgery.


3.curiously ad. 好奇地


They looked at each other curiously.


4.navoidable a. 不可避免的, 不得已的, 不能作废的


I suspect Mary's divorce is unavoidable.


5.marble n. 大理石


These steps are made of marble.


6.simplicity n. 单纯, 简朴, 朴素, 坦率, 天真


Moderm camera design tends to simplicity.




4年后,他们搬回美国1Qnlo#v,XP[XmkCX。安妮·默洛·林德伯格从未从丧子之痛中走出来S[.,WbELghw.T;m))*p。但她和丈夫还有五个孩子t9E,zb45^SWqdp。她继续飞行[&q1C98,In.[iY。1934年,她成为获得国家地理学会哈伯德金奖的首位女性K;pK=#vv,d)_7d。她因其探索、研究和发现而受到大家尊重5(cf)oI=!w[P。安妮·林德伯格开始利用写作缓解她的悲伤j]]nPEjjiX70pE4。她写了几本书讲述她和丈夫一共飞行的故事4[PaEhWihD)1Qob。1935年,她的第一本书《North to the Orient》出版43ebArzMdOltk。在书中,她讲述了他们驾驶单引擎机飞越加拿大和阿拉斯加,飞往日本和中国的故事O+!jj33p,_Hmi70%|。以下是她描述他们降落北加拿大并跳下飞机的情节_6LnxN!cAL&Rw。“两个爱斯基摩小男孩害羞的走过来跟着我KAspc^Jyjy[。他们明亮的眼睛在帽子下闪耀,他们好奇地盯着我和我的衣服C#Ok)vtTjKpg。‘你看’,其中一个贸易商说,‘你是他们见到的第一个白人女性BW.*6ZdEIWyL0Jsur(Y。之前,没有白人女性来过这里FujpH#)Bqp@[。’”

三年后,安妮写了《Listen! The Wind》BKGjZSRTZg。该书讲述了他们夫妇5万千米飞行的故事._Q|k-Zr81atVL_UA4^。这本书很受欢迎PbkhmhA;qkKPb=Se@E。一名评论家说这本书对飞行进行了诗一般的描述,此前还未有书籍这样描述飞行V|I0!]_rIrEJ.。1940年,安妮·林德伯格写了《The Wave of the Future》8mC[u622]UDVsH+L^)。她在欧洲二战期间写下了这本书3xb;c=;#=7,#8H。她写到,她既不支持共产主义也不支持法西斯注意,但是她说它们是不可避免的|k*(4om4oyk。她写到,她希望美国可以避免加入这场冲突Ur02^#B-,JX。她在一封信中写到,她开始感受到德国纳粹独裁者阿道夫·希特勒是一个伟大的人t~N+2uQYF9V|+~]v6Hck。她的丈夫因表达了相似的言论而不得人心~DXjl+.IeiMq@p|cp。很多人对此书进行批评6aXvkf2dY;@.lV。林德伯格太太之后承认,她和她的丈夫没有看清纳粹体系的恶魔本质_hn-BP2cmR+J%zvU。她很多年都不写书了G;_Yz7VvyoH9AlRr,U]a。1955年,安妮·默洛·林德伯格又开始写作ARR3IccGFn=Zr,3|xF!1。她写了一本书名为《Gift from the Sea》Ki&GVL&qYwUG)4.。书中讲述的是女性对自己生命意义的探索e~02-mUU%-7XaDwpnD。《Gift from the Sea》是美国广受欢迎的书籍之一kMs&jLbMJ313。其销量超过百万本,很多女性都受此影响ZF=3DMHQ!G%f

在《Gift from the Sea》一书中,林德伯格太太写到了女性说面临的众多不同压力GXxKBo-horO8P。她写到,成为母亲和妻子的女性有很多不同兴趣和责任Lu3|*IPDs^。她们必须应对自己的丈夫、孩子、朋友、家庭和社会@,%l,O&^AZ)7rTA。他发现女性难以平衡所有这些责任并为自己留下一点空间;&AIligF&P~@1w[AhQt5。但是她说,女性必须尝试找到生活中的一种平衡EDjlBaXIkk~。在《Gift from the Sea》一书中,安妮·林德伯格描述了女性如何像马戏表演者一样完成这些将她们导入错误方向的工作vv,g%^Z3Za5JoN))V。“我们女性像马戏团一样进行着日常工作gX;9Gf~*e*7K7J。相比之下,空中飞人都自惭形秽bzOpM-eH_],@|78wFu&&。看看我们rD75L;lxdfrE%7r[。我们每天都拉起紧绷的绳索,脑袋上顶着一堆书hC)g[m,mFcSW。婴儿车、阳伞、厨房椅仍在我们掌控之下HYiY;pIzH#dnH!。聪明的男性警告道,稳住咯!这不是简单的生活而是多重性的生活]e0GqftlR*VJ.F。这所到来的不是和睦而是分离,不是优雅而是灵魂的摧毁VeeKS~dT4En#e]R。”安妮·林德伯格发现解决这个问题的方法是独处|dZX(.FhYBif;Ye3mOH。这本书描述了她是如何在海洋小岛独自生活4VI%DjKFdr。她在岛上研究她发现的贝壳,过着简单的生活1K@Tf3.v^~。1970年代间,安妮·林德伯格写了几本关于生活中开心和悲伤的事情@LAg41Y225P|0。其中一本叫做《Hour of Gold, Hour of Lead》RE832g6j!yf2~u_0^&J。她在这本书中描述了飞行的快乐#a9I*zWYNi9y~+iIGvw|。她还描述了她和丈夫在失去第一个孩子后的痛苦GfYVAtF^RkK#ILu。“我们夜不能寐,我们清醒着交谈着Vs77B^%y]1gt4!b8o。我思考着梦呓着,所有一切,无法缓解+w&e193gI7Z!。我在街边行走,看到其他人的孩子,我停了下来看着摇摇车里的孩子,我想那真是一个可爱的孩子,但是我却看到了自己的孩子的脸_Apf5_#XSO7kbO9mp。我意识到我会在梦中一直这样Kdoy+9t4zcfqgru6Rd。”



