日期:2012-12-13 14:09



  Instructions to Candidates

  (a) The time allowed for this examination is 2 hours.

  (b) Answer all 4 questions.

  (c) Use the spaces provided in the combined question and answer booklet to complete the answers. If more space is needed for answers or rough notes, use the supplementary sheets provided and secure them inside your booklet with your name and candidate number clearly written on each sheet. Rough notes should be clearly crossed through.

  (d) Credit will be given for correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.

  (e) Adequate and appropriate communication is required rather than a particular number of words.

  (f) When you finish, check your work carefully.

  (g) The use of standard English dictionaries and cordless non-programmable calculators is permitted. Candidates whose first language is not English may use a bilingual dictionary.




  as it is to appear on the certificate IDENTITY CARD NUMBER…………………

  Subject Code Number………………1041……………………

  Candidate's Number…………………………………….Centre Code……………………………

  Full Private Address……………………………………………………………………………………


  Centre Name and Address……………………………………………………………………………



  Situation: Your department is responsible for the ordering and issuing of stationery supplies to employees in your organisation. The Accounts Manager has recently pointed out the rising costs of stationery used. He suspects that employees are being wasteful, and wants you to take some action to reduce the amounts.

  Task: Write a memo to all company staff. Give details of the Account Manager's complaint, and stress the need for economy and careful use of stationery items. You need to tell them that you will shortly discuss with other department heads the introduction of new guidelines for stationery requisition.

  Lay out your answer as a memo, in the space below, make up any necessary details.

  (30 marks)





  You may continue writing here:


  Situation: Your company is considering a healthcare package for all employees ana you have been asked to look at a number of options.

  Task: Read the information on Tip-Top Health Insurance on the page opposite, then say whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE. Then quote the words or phrase that support your answer. Do not write more than 6 words for each answer. You will lose marks for irrelevant information.

  Write your answers on the lines marked A.

  Personal private healthcare is now within the reach of all people, with a wide choice of schemes and premiums to pay. And nobody has done more to bring this about than Tip-Top. We help so many people and companies. Tip-Top Health Insurance is not only Britain's largest healthcare insurer; it has also been established the longest with schemes that start from as little as £1.25 a week depending on the level of care you want. What’s more, every sixth year is FREE after 5 claim-free years.

  Tip-Top has won numerous awards. A recent poll placed Tip-Top ahead of all its leading competitors in the health insurance service. Just look at the benefits again:

  Accommodation and care in private hospitals

  Specialist fees paid for consultations and treatment

  Nursing at home if needed

  Worldwide cover when you travel overseas.

  Tip-Top is aware that when illness strikes, finding out more about a problem can help. So we have introduced our Health Line Information Service. You can call at any time to find out about over 450 health-related topics.

  So why not consider our 3 schemes NOW?


  The very best in private health insurance, providing high levels of benefit to cover your healthcare needs.


  Tip-Top's most popular health insurance scheme also giving a wide range of benefits for very affordable subscriptions.


  Our budget policy that covers all in-patient hospital costs.

  Interested? Telephone now for our free brochure. Our lines are open 24 hours a day on 0800 777 666.


  Situation: You have been asked to write a report on the recent in-service training of some of your staff.

  Task: Study the information in the Staff Training Record on the page opposite, then answer the questions below. Keep your answers very short. Figures and/or single word answers are acciptable.

  1 How many staff have had a total of 10 days' training?

  2 Which department received no training for 2 consecutive years?

  3 Who has had more training, Tony Hart or Tony Harrison?

  4 Who had one day less training than Zuber Patel?

  5 Have both people in Management received training every year?

  6 In which year did Rikki Helsing receive most training?

  7 In 1996 how many people received only a single day's training?

  8 Did Stuart Simpson miss training between 1994 and 1997?

  9 Which of Stuart Simpson's colleagues in Workshop had the most training in 1997?

  10 In which year did Val Booth receive more than 3 days'training?

  11 How many staff have had less training than Jill Pike?

  12 In Sales, who had no training in 1994?

  13 To which department does the person with most training overall belong?

  14 Which department has received the least training?

  15 Did the Sales Department receive more training in 1995 or 1997?

  16 How many employees have had less training than Paul Fox?

  17 In 1995 how many employees had more than one day's training?

  18 Who received the most training in 1997 and 1996?

  19 For how many years did Graham Chesters receive less than 2 days' training?

  20 In which year was the least training taken overall?

  (20 marks)


  • identityn. 身份,一致,特征
  • affordableadj. 支付得起的,不太昂贵的
  • stressn. 紧张,压力 v. 强调,着重 vt. 强调 n.
  • candidaten. 候选人,求职者
  • punctuationn. 强调,标点
  • appropriateadj. 适当的,相称的 vt. 拨出(款项); 占用
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • orderingn. [计]定序;排序;订购 v. 命令;指挥;订购(o
  • benefitn. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演 vt. 有益于,得
  • phrasen. 短语,习语,个人风格,乐句 vt. 措词表达,将(