GRE作文Issue官方题库 第1期:依赖于技术去解决问题
日期:2014-07-23 18:56



As people rely more and more on technology to solve problems, the ability of humans to think for themselves will surely deteriorate.

Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.





① 科技确实帮助人们解决了很多问题。如:艰苦的作业环境 复杂的运算工作

② 确实有可能思维能力下降。如:整天面对电脑,被动的接受信息,不会分析。

③ 随着科技的发达,A我们也开始思考许多原来没有考虑过的问题. 古希腊哲学家ancient Greek philosopher说的圆圈的故事。If we compare the known part of the world to the space within a circle, the unknown part of the world around the circle grows as the circle of our knowledge expands.B 对于原来一些问题的考虑更加全面。如:可持续发展

④ technology provides people with effective instruments for intellectual work.如:宇宙探秘,基因遗传变异

  • intellectualn. 知识份子,凭理智做事者 adj. 智力的,聪明的
  • deterioratevt. (使)恶化 vi. (使)恶化,瓦解,衰退
  • issuen. 发行物,期刊号,争论点 vi. & vt 发行,流
  • unknownadj. 未知的,不出名的
  • disagreev. 不一致,有分歧,不适应,不适宜
  • effectiveadj. 有效的,有影响的
  • circlen. 圈子,圆周,循环 v. 环绕,盘旋,包围
  • statementn. 声明,陈述
  • reasoningn. 推论,推理,论证
  • extentn. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度 n. [