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GRE sub数学考试要点介绍
日期:2013-04-16 17:49


GRE sub数学考试要点是什么?有的放矢的准备相信会帮助大家更好地适应GRE sub数学考试,更好地备考。下面是有关的考试要点介绍,仅供大家参考。

  CALCULUS — 50%

  Material learned in the usual sequence of elementary calculus courses — differential and integral calculus of one and of several variables — includes calculus-based applications and connections with coordinate geometry, trigonometry, differential equations and other branches of mathematics.

  ALGEBRA — 25%

  · Elementary algebra: basic algebraic techniques and manipulations acquired in high school and used throughout mathematics

  · Linear algebra: matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, vector spaces, linear transformations, characteristic polynomials and eigenvalues and eigenvectors

  · Abstract algebra and number theory: elementary topics from group theory, theory of rings and modules, field theory and number theory


  · Introductory real analysis: sequences and series of numbers and functions, continuity, differentiability and integrability, and elementary topology of R and Rn

  · Discrete mathematics: logic, set theory, combinatorics, graph theory and algorithms

  · Other topics: general topology, geometry, complex variables, probability and statistics, and numerical analysis

  以上便是GRE sub数学考试要点介绍,天道小编祝大家都能取得理想的GRE考试成绩,申请顺利!

  • matrixn. 母体,子宫,细胞,脉石,矩阵
  • graphn. 图表,示意图 vt. (以图表)表示 n.
  • complexadj. 复杂的,复合的,合成的 n. 复合体,综合体,
  • analysisn. 分析,解析
  • vectorn. 向量,矢量,带菌者 vt. (无线电)导引 adj
  • continuityn. 连续性
  • discreteadj. 不连续的,离散的
  • differentialadj. 差别的,特定的,微分的 n. 两路线的运费差额
  • elementaryadj. 基本的,初级的,元素的
  • abstractn. 摘要,抽象的东西 adj. 抽象的,理论的 vt.