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日期:2013-03-19 17:21



  1. Armtech, a temporary-employment agency, previously

  gave its employees 2.5 paid vacation days after each

  700 hours worked. Armtech’s new policy is to give

  its employees 5.0 paid vacation days after each 1,200

  hours worked. Therefore, this new policy is more

  generous to Armtech employees in giving them more

  vacation days per hour worked than the old policy did.

  Which of the following is an assumption on which

  the argument depends?

  (A) Most current Armtech employees approve of the

  company’s new vacation policy.

  (B) A few Armtech employees leave the company

  before having worked 700 hours.

  (C) Most Armtech employees were not aware that

  the company planned to change its vacation

  policy until after it had already done so.

  (D) A significant portion of Armtech employees stay

  with the company long enough to work for

  1,200 hours.

  (E) Armtech’s new vacation policy closely matches

  the vacation policies of competing temporary

  employment agencies.

  2 The global population of frogs has declined in recent

  years while the amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching

  the Earth has increased. Since the genetic material in

  frog eggs is harmed when exposed to ultraviolet radi-

  ation, and since the eggs themselves are not protected

  by shells or leathery coverings but are gelatinous, the

  frog population decline is probably due, at least in

  part, to the ultraviolet radiation increase.

  Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest

  support for the argument?

  (A) Even in those regions where there has been no

  significant increase in ultraviolet radiation, only

  a small proportion of the frog eggs that are laid

  ever hatch.

  (B) In areas where there has been the least decline

  in frog populations, populations of species of

  insects that frogs eat have decreased.

  (C) The eggs of frog species whose populations are

  declining tend to have higher concentrations of

  damaging pesticides than do the eggs of frog

  species whose populations have not declined.

  (D) In many places where turtles, which lay eggs

  with tough, leathery coverings, share habitats

  with frogs, turtle populations are also in decline.

  (E) Populations of frog species that hide their eggs

  beneath rocks or under sand have declined

  considerably less than have populations of frog

  species that do not cover their eggs.

  Questions 3-8

  A doctor is scheduling one appointment each with five

  patients—J, K, L, M, and N. The five appointments will

  be consecutive and are numbered 1 through 5, from

  earliest to latest. The doctor must schedule at least four of

  the patients for appointments preferred by those patients

  and cannot schedule any patient for an appointment unac-

  ceptable to that patient. The following is a complete list

  of what the patients prefer and, if they do not receive

  their preferences, will accept:

  J prefers an appointment earlier than appointment 3, but

  will accept any appointment.

  K prefers appointment 2, but will accept any appoint-

  ment except appointment 1.

  L prefers appointment 1, but will accept appointment 5.

  M prefers and will accept only an appointment later

  than appointment 3.

  N prefers and will accept only appointment 3.

  3.Which of the following lists the patients in an order

  in which their scheduled appointments can occur,

  from appointment 1 through appointment 5 ?

  (A) J, K, N, L, M

  (B) J, M, N, K, L

  (C) K, J, N, M, L

  (D) L, J, K, N, M

  (E) L, J, N, M, K

  4.If J is scheduled for appointment 2, which of the

  following can be true?

  (A) K is scheduled for appointment 3.

  (B) K is scheduled for appointment 4.

  (C) L is scheduled for appointment 4.

  (D) L is scheduled for appointment 5.

  (E) M is scheduled for appointment 1.

  5.If L is scheduled for appointment 5, which of the

  following must be true?

  (A) J is scheduled for appointment 1.

  (B) J is scheduled for appointment 2.

  (C) J is scheduled for appointment 4.

  (D) K is scheduled for appointment 4.

  (E) N is scheduled for appointment 5.

  6.Which of the following is a complete and accurate

  list of patients any one of whom can be the patient

  scheduled for appointment 2?

  (A) K

  (B) J, K

  (C) J, M

  (D) J, K, L

  (E) K, L, M

  7.If M is scheduled for appointment 5, which of the

  following can be true of the scheduling?

  (A) J’s appointment is appointment 1.

  (B) N’s appointment is appointment 1.

  (C) J’s appointment is earlier than K’s appointment.

  (D) K’s appointment is earlier than L’s appointment.

  (E) N’s appointment is earlier than L’s appointment.

  8.If K’s appointment is scheduled for a time later than

  N’s appointment, which of the following must be true?

  (A) J is scheduled for appointment 4.

  (B) K is scheduled for appointment 5.

  (C) L is scheduled for appointment 1.

  (D) M is scheduled for appointment 4.

  (E) N is scheduled for appointment 2. 

Questions 9-10 are based on the following graph.

  In January of 1990 a certain country enacted a strict new law to deter people from drunken driving. The law imposes

  mandatory jail sentences for anyone convicted of drunken driving.

  9.Which of the following, if true about the years 1990

  through 1992, most helps to explain the data illus-

  trated in the graph?

  (A) Most of the people arrested for and convicted of

  drunken driving were repeat offenders.

  (B) Many of the people arrested for and convicted of

  drunken driving participated in alcohol-education

  programs in order to reduce their jail sentences.

  (C) Juries in drunken driving cases became increas-

  ingly reluctant to convict people on whom

  mandatory jail sentences would be imposed.

  (D) Since the law was enacted, the number of deaths

  attributed to drunken driving has declined


  (E) The majority of the residents of the country

  supported the strict law to deter people from

  drunken driving.

  10.Which of the following, if true, strengthens the claim

  that the changes in the ratio of arrests to convictions

  since the beginning of 1990 are due to an increase in

  the number of people arrested for drunken driving

  who were not drunk?

  (A) Before 1990 only people driving erratically were

  stopped by the police on suspicion of drunken

  driving, but since the beginning of 1990 police

  have been allowed to stop drivers randomly

  and to arrest any driver whom they suspect of

  having drunk any alcohol.

  (B) Since the beginning of 1990 new technology has

  enabled police who stop a driver to establish

  immediately whether the driver is drunk,

  whereas before 1990 police had to rely on

  observations of a driver’s behavior to make a

  judgment about that driver’s drunkenness.

  (C) After 1990 the number of police officers assigned

  to patrol for drunken drivers increased only

  very slightly compared to the number of police

  officers assigned to patrol for drunken drivers

  in the years 1985 through 1989.

  (D) In 1990 a greater number of drivers were igno-

  rant of the laws concerning drunken driving

  than were ignorant of the drunken driving laws

  in 1989.

  (E) After 1990 teenagers and young adults constituted

  a greater proportion of those arrested for drunken

  driving than in the years 1985 through 1989.

  11 To improve productivity, manufacturing companies

  have recently begun restructuring work to produce

  more goods with fewer assembly-line workers, and

  the companies have laid off many workers as a

  consequence. The workers laid off have been those

  with the least seniority(time on the job), generally

  the younger workers.

  The statements above, if true, most strongly support

  which of the following as a conclusion?

  (A) The products manufactured by the companies are

  not undergoing design changes while the

  manufacturing jobs are being restructured.

  (B) When assembly-line workers have made sug-

  gestions for improvements in manufacturing

  processes, some suggestions have been

  implemented, but many have not.

  (C) Assembly-line workers now need increased

  reading and mathematical skills to do their


  (D) Some of the innovations in assembly-line

  processes and procedures that were made to

  increase productivity have instead proved to be


  (E) The manufacturing companies are increasing the

  average age of their assembly-line workforce

  while still seeking to increase production.

  12.During the nineteenth century, Britain’s urban popu-

  lation increased as its rural population diminished. A

  historian theorizes that, rather than industrialization’s

  being the cause, this change resulted from a series

  of migrations to urban areas, each occasioned by a

  depression in the agrarian economy. To test this hypoth-

  esis, the historian will compare economic data with

  population census data.

  The historian’s hypothesis would be most strongly

  supported if which of the following were found to be


  (A) The periods of greatest growth in the industrial

  economy were associated with a relatively

  rapid decline in the rural population.

  (B) The periods of greatest weakness in the agrarian

  economy were associated with relatively slow

  growth in the population as a whole.

  (C) Periods when the agrarian economy was compar-

  atively strong and the industrial economy com-

  paratively weak were associated with a particu-

  larly rapid decline in the rural population.

  (D) Periods when the agrarian and industrial econo-

  mies were both strong were associated with

  particularly rapid growth in the urban popula-


  (E) The periods of greatest strength in the agrarian

  economy were associated with relatively slow

  growth in the urban population.

Questions 13-16

  On each of the three consecutive days Monday through

  Wednesday, exactly two employees are to staff a com-

  pany’s information booth. The three available employees

  —Feng, Gómez, and Hull—will staff the booth in

  accordance with the following conditions:

  Gómez and Hull must each staff the booth on at least

  one of the days, but Feng must staff it on at least two

  the days.

  The booth cannot be staffed by the same two employees

  on any two consecutive days.

  If Hull staffs the booth on Monday, Gómez must be the

  other employee staffing the booth on Monday.

  13.Which of the following can be the schedule of

  employees staffing the booth on the three days?

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday

  (A) Feng,Gómez Feng,Gómez Feng,Hull

  (B) Feng,Gómez Feng,Hul Gómez,Hull

  (C) Feng,Hull Feng,Gómez Gómez,Hull

  (D) Gómez,Hull Feng,Gómez Gómez,Hull

  (E) Gómez,Hull Feng,Hull Feng,Hull

  14.If Gómez staffs the booth on Monday and Tuesday,

  which of the following must be true?

  (A) Feng staffs the booth on Monday.

  (B) Feng staffs the booth on Tuesday.

  (C) Feng staffs the booth on Wednesday.

  (D) Hull staffs the booth on Monday.

  (E) Hull staffs the booth on Tuesday.

  15.If Hull staffs the booth on Monday and Wednesday,

  which of the following must be true?

  (A) Feng and Gómez staff the booth on Tuesday.

  (B) Feng and Hull staff the booth on Monday.

  (C) Feng and Hull staff the booth on Tuesday.

  (D) Gómez and Hull staff the booth on Tuesday.

  (E) Gómez and Hull staff the booth on Wednesday.

  16.If Hull staffs the booth on only one of the days,

  which of the following can be true?

  (A) Feng and Hull staff the booth on Monday.

  (B) Feng and Hull staff the booth on Wednesday.

  (C) Gómez and Hull staff the booth on Monday.

  (D) Gómez and Hull staff the booth on Tuesday.

  (E) Gómez and Hull staff the booth on Wednesday.

  Questions 17-22

  A science teacher is selecting projects for each of two

  classes from a group of exactly seven projects—R, S,

  T, V, X, Y, and Z. The teacher will assign projects to

  Class 1 and Class 2 according to the following


  Each project must be assigned to exactly one class.

  Four of the projects must be assigned to Class 1 and

  three to Class 2.

  R must be assigned to Class 2.

  The class to which V is assigned cannot be the same

  class as the one to which Y is assigned.

  If V is assigned to Class 1, X must be assigned

  to Class 1.

  If Z is assigned to Class 2, Y must be assigned to

  Class 1.

  17.Which of the following could be the projects assigned

  to the two classes?

  Class 1 Class 2

  (A) R, V, X, Y S, T, Z

  (B) S, T, V, Z R, X, Y

  (C) S, T, X, Y R, V, Z

  (D) S, T, X, Z R, V, Y

  (E) S, V, X, Y R, T, Z

  18.If X is assigned to Class 2, which of the following

  must be true?

  (A) R is assigned to Class 1.

  (B) S is assigned to Class 2.

  (C) T is assigned to Class 2.

  (D) Y is assigned to Class 1.

  (E) Z is assigned to Class 2.

  19.If Z is assigned to Class 2, which of the following

  must be true?

  (A) S is assigned to Class 2.

  (B) T is assigned to Class 2.

  (C) V is assigned to Class 1.

  (D) X is assigned to Class 1.

  (E) Y is assigned to Class 2.

  20.If Y is assigned to Class 2, any of the following

  could be assigned together to one of the classes


  (A) R and T

  (B) S and T

  (C) S and Y

  (D) T and Z

  (E) X and Z 

  21.If T is assigned to the same class as V, which of the

  following must be assigned to the same class as each


  (A) R and T

  (B) S and X

  (C) S and Y

  (D) X and Y

  (E) Y and Z

  22.If V is assigned to a different class from Z, which of

  the following must be true?

  (A) S is assigned to Class 1.

  (B) S is assigned to Class 2.

  (C) T is assigned to Class 2.

  (D) V is assigned to Class 2.

  (E) X is assigned to Class 1.

  23 Politician:Each year, small businesses create more

  jobs than do large established businesses.

  Therefore, in order to reduce unemploy-

  ment in the long term, we should provide

  incentives for starting small businesses

  rather than for expanding established large


  Which of the following, if true, casts the most doubt

  on the politician’s argument?

  (A) In general, people employed by small businesses

  report higher job satisfaction than do people

  employed by large businesses.

  (B) Among the currently unemployed are many

  people with sufficient job skills to perform the

  jobs that small businesses would create.

  (C) Providing an effective incentive for starting a

  business generally costs significantly less than

  providing an effective incentive for expanding

  a large business.

  (D) A high proportion of small businesses fail within

  three years of starting because of their owners’


  (E) The average large business contributes more

  money to politicians’ campaign funds than the

  average small business does.

  24 In the workplace, influenza is typically spread by

  infected individuals to others with whom they work

  in close quarters. A new medication that suppresses

  the symptoms of influenza therefore will actually

  increase the number of influenza cases, because this

  medication will allow people who would otherwise be

  home in bed to return to work while infected.

  Which of the following, if true, most seriously chal-

  lenges the prediction?

  (A) Coughing, a symptom of influenza that the new

  medication suppresses, is a primary mechanism

  in the spread of this illness.

  (B) Some medications that are used to suppress

  symptoms of influenza are also used by many

  people to treat symptoms that are caused not

  by influenza but by other illnesses.

  (C) Many workers who now remain at home when

  infected with influenza do so because the

  symptoms of influenza prevent them from per-

  forming their jobs effectively.

  (D) Most adults who are immunized against influ-

  enza in order to avoid being infected are over

  65 years old and retired and thus do not work

  outside the home.

  (E) Symptoms of an illness are often the body’s

  means of curing itself of the illness, and there-

  fore suppression of symptoms can prolong the

  illness that causes them.

  25 Editorial:

  Critics of nuclear power complain about the allegedly

  serious harm that might result from continued operation

  of existing nuclear power plants. But such concerns do

  not justify closing these plants;after all, their operation

  has caused no more harm than that caused by pollution

  generated by coal-and oil-burning power plants, the

  most important other sources of energy.

  Which of the following is an assumption on which the

  argument depends?

  (A) Existing nuclear power plants should be closed only

  if it can be conclusively demonstrated that their

  continued operation is likely to cause harm more

  serious than the harm their operation has already


  (B) Closing existing nuclear power plants would require

  greatly increased reliance on coal-and oil-burning

  power plants.

  (C) The harm that has resulted from operation of

  existing coal-and oil-burning power plants has

  been significant.

  (D) The harm that a nuclear power plant is likely to

  cause as it continues to operate can be reliably

  predicted from the past history of nuclear power


  (E) The only harm that has resulted from operation of

  existing coal-and oil-burning power plants has

  resulted from the pollution generated by these


  • weaknessn. 软弱
  • detervt. 阻止,抑制,威吓
  • suppressionn. 镇压,抑制
  • judgmentn. 裁判,宣告,该判决书
  • effectiveadj. 有效的,有影响的
  • sufficientadj. 足够的,充分的
  • incentiveadj. 刺激的,鼓励的 n. 刺激,鼓励,动机
  • justifyvt. 替 ... 辩护,证明 ... 正当 vi. 调
  • claimn. 要求,要求权;主张,断言,声称;要求物 vt. 要
  • symptomn. 症状,征兆