如何卖爆一款产品? (2)
日期:2023-08-30 14:00



So it was actually just a celebrity who liked the product initially.
Is that how consumer brands should go about finding endorsers or influencers to be brand ambassadors?
Well, sure. At the time, Crocs was a meme. The meme was those holes are where your dignity leaks out.
嗯, 当然可以iY)+3f=LXt|[@cU。当时,Crocs洞洞鞋是一个热梗wg96ch_6LY。这个热梗是,这些洞是你尊严泄露的地方@9kqq,fk2ug
We knew, and certainly I knew, that we had a classic, we just needed to create more relevance for the brand.
We didn’t have an awareness problem at Crocs, we had a relevance opportunity.
And so, Post Malone was that real quick injection of relevance, and once he was on board, it allowed me to call almost any artist or any brand to collaborate.
As an example, I was in Asia, and I saw the popularity of Kentucky Fried Chicken in Asia, and I reached out to the CMO of Kentucky Fried Chicken via LinkedIn while in Asia, asked him if he’d be interested in a Crocs KFC collaboration, and sure enough, you can go online today, you’ll see those for $300, $400, in the secondary market today.
So that hype became something that had its own inertia.
So it sounds like you have to have an awareness of the people and other brands that your ideal consumers care about, and then you establish and make those relationships happen, and that can work for any consumer brand?
I’d like to think so, it might not be that easy.
It starts with a risk, we took a risk.
Crocs had been, I would say, fledgling for quite some time, and still it was a very young brand, but it had its moment back in the early 2000s, and really was just, I would say, floating along.
And we took a risk, Post Malone was a risk, especially at the time.
He hadn’t quite reached the level of popularity that he enjoys today and he’s earned today, but a brand took a risk on that artist, and it sure paid off.
Yeah, and for those who don’t know Post Malone, he has tattoos all over his face.
It’s definitely not someone I would intuitively associate with a brand like Crocs.
Correct, but it was real. And his fandom for Crocs was authentic, and his fans knew that. That’s also what’s happened at Stanley.
When you have that authenticity, you have gold, that you can’t really manufacture, as hard as you try.
And we had something that was risky at the time, walking into senior leadership at Crocs to tell them we should be betting on Post Malone was a bit of a career risk for me, I’m sure.
Taking that risk and listening was the key.
Listening to that young associate who had her finger on the pulse of culture, listening to Post Malone’s fans, and then on and on it went.
