爱的教育(MP3+中英字幕) 第249期:六月-三十二度的炎暑(1)
日期:2021-05-27 17:13




Friday, 16th.


During the five days which have passed since the National Festival, the heat has increased by three degrees. We are in full summer now, and begin to feel weary; all have lost their fine rosy color of springtime; necks and legs are growing thin, heads droop and eyes close. Poor Nelli, who suffers much from the heat, has turned the color of wax in the face; he sometimes falls into a heavy sleep, with his head on his copy-book; but Garrone is always watchful, and places an open book upright in front of him, so that the master may not see him.


Crossi rests his red head against the bench in a certain way, so that it looks as though it had been detached from his body and placed there separately. Nobis complains that there are too many of us, and that we corrupt the air. Ah, what an effort it costs now to study! I gaze through the windows at those beautiful trees which cast so deep a shade, where I should be so glad to run, and sadness and wrath overwhelm me at being obliged to go and shut myself up among the benches.



But then I take courage at the sight of my kind mother, who is always watching me, scrutinizing me, when I return from school, to see whether I am not pale; and at every page of my work she says to me: "Do you still feel well?" and every morning at six, when she wakes me for my lesson, "Courage! there are only so many days more: then you will be free, and will get rested, you will go to the shade of country lanes." Yes, she is perfectly right to remind me of the boys who are working in the fields in the full heat of the sun, or among the white sands of the river, which blind and scorch them, and of those in the glass-factories, who stand all day long motionless, with head bent over a flame of gas; and all of them rise earlier than we do, and have no vacations. Courage, then! And even in this respect, Derossi is at the head of all, for he suffers neither from heat nor drowsiness; he is always wide awake, and cheery, with his golden curls, as he was in the winter, and he studies without effort, and keeps all about him alert, as though he freshened the air with his voice.

从学校回去,母亲总候着我,留心我的面色。我一看见母亲,精神重新振作起来了。我用功的时候,母亲常问:“不难过吗?”早晨六点叫我醒来的时候,也常说: “啊,要好好地啊!再过几天就要休假,可以到乡间去了。”母亲时时讲在炎暑中做着工的小孩们的情形给我听。说有的小孩在田野或如烧的砂地上劳动,有的在玻璃工场中终日逼着火焰;他们早晨比我早起床,而且没有休假。所以我们也非奋发不可。说到奋发,仍要谁代洛西第一,他绝不叫热或想睡,无论什么时候都活泼快乐。他那长长的金发和冬天里一样垂着,用功毫不觉苦。只要坐在他近旁,听到他的声音,也能令人振作起来。
