早安英文(MP3+文本) 第889期:卖肾买iPhone的男孩 现在如何了
日期:2021-04-09 09:04


kidney 肾
In 2011, a 17-year-old boy sold one of his kidneys in exchange for 22,000 RMB to purchase an iPad 2 and an iPhone 4.
2011年,一名17岁的男孩卖掉了自己的一个肾,换来2.2万元,用来去买了一台iPad 2和iPhone 4。
He underwent illegal surgery in Hunan province to remove his right kidney.

infection 感染
Within a few months, he developed an infection in the remaining kidney owing to an unhygienic operation location and the lack of post-operative care

bedridden 卧床不起的
He is now bedridden.
Someone who is bedridden is usually so ill or disabled that they cannot get out of bed.

卖肾买iPhone的男孩 现在如何了

take years off from school 休学
suspend study 休学
take a gap year 休学一年
quit school 辍学

He's forced to take years off from school.
I'm planning to take a gap year and go backpacking in India.

reckless 不顾后果的, 轻率的
He showed a reckless disregard for his own safety.
Her attitude was reckless.

keep up with the Joneses 攀比,比阔气
Keeping with the Joneses means that someone always wants to own the same expensive objects and does the same things as your friends or neighbours.
Keeping with the Joneses 指的是某些人总是想拥有和朋友或邻居一样昂贵的东西,做同样的事情。
Don't try to keep up with the Joneses.
