BBC纪录片《文明》第9集 第22期:古老的建筑物
日期:2020-12-21 09:21


The structures are meant to be problematic.


They embody the difficulty of settled foundations -architecture echoing politics.


What, after all, do you build on a rift?


Here, near the northern end of the Great Rift Valley,fault lines are unavoidable -masonry will pull apart.

这里接近东非大裂谷的北端 断层线是无法避免的石料建筑将会被撕裂

One house is impossible to enter.



Another is marked by a widening crack.


They're works which speak to contemporary fears of homelessness but which are also imprinted with memories of ancient habitation.

这些建筑表明了当代人那无家可归的恐惧感 但它们也被印上了关于古代住所的记忆

We are, after all, in the place where the earliest civilisations made their dwellings.

我们所处的这个地点 正是原始文明制造房屋住所的地点

These are in every sense our primal building blocks.


There is this amplified, you know,break going on between Israelis and Palestinians,

以色列人和巴基斯坦人之间 有一种不断扩张的割裂行为

which I'm aware of and I'm upset about and I'm feeling sometimes I need to do something about it,and this was kind of to do something about it...

这是我意识到并且感到很担忧的 我有时候感到要对此做出一些行动 我现在所做的就是这种行动吧...

And do you think art can do that or...?

你觉得艺术可以完成这件事 还是...

Someone has to believe in it and I think that, you know,if you go very back in time,

必须有人相信这件事 而且我觉得 如果你能回到很久以前

which is that moment that I'm always moved by,the moment when I see these very ancient objects, you know,somebody at a far point in time had the urge to leave a mark on a stone.

就是那个一直很能让我感动的那个时刻 就是我看见这些古老的建筑物的时刻 某人在很遥远的某个时刻 有一种要在石头上留下印记的冲动

You know, to leave a permanent mark, to make something that would last and to really actually send a communication to an unknown future.

要留下一个永久的痕迹 要制造出某个 可以永久存在下去 可以真的 向未知的未来发送某种讯息的东西

For 50,000 years, humans have been setting these marks down,likenesses and patterns on every conceivable material and in every imaginable style.

五万年以来 人类一直在将这些痕迹 将画像与图样以各种可以想象的风格记录在 各种可以想到的材料之上

Great art collapses the time and space separating us from its moment of creation.


It gives us pause.


It makes us reimagine the world in countless, unanticipated ways.

它让我们以无数种意想不到的方式 来重新构想这个世界
