BBC纪录片《文明》第9集 第21期:玛康系列
日期:2020-12-18 09:06


Today, she's working on an installation she calls Makom...

今天 她正在组装一件名为"玛康"的作品

..Which means "Place" in both Hebrew and Arabic.


It's a series of structures of different sizes and shapes.


The Makom series started in 2007 when there was a very strong moment, intifada, going on,

玛康系列始于2007年 当时发生了一起非常严重暴动

with buses exploding in Jerusalem,that I was so scared to even drive next to any bus for a long, long time.

耶路撒冷的多辆公共汽车发生爆炸 我在很长很长时间内都很怕 在公共汽车旁开车

At that point, I started to collect stones from all these places.

从那时起 我就开始从不同地方收集石头

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Jerusalem, Haifa, Hebron, Nablus.

耶路撒冷 海法 希伯仑 纳布卢斯

The structures are made from stones taken from ruined Israeli and Palestinian houses and so become, in her hands,the material of a kind of restoration.

这些建筑是由被破坏的以色列和巴勒斯坦房屋 获得的石头做成的 在她的手中变成了重塑的材料

Each stone is carefully labelled so that the structures can be dismantled and rebuilt elsewhere.

每块石头都经过精心标记 以便建筑被拆除并在其他地方重建

Like the migrants whose motions Rovner animates,her Makom has itself gone nomadic,

就像罗夫纳鼓舞的那些移民一样 她的《玛康》也常常流浪

most resonantly to the courtyard of the Louvre, close to the echo of another ancient structure,IM Pei's glass pyramid.


The masons are themselves a mix of people from all over the country -Israeli Arabs, Jews,Druze and Palestinians.

石匠们本身就是来自全国各地的人 以色列阿拉伯人 犹太人 德鲁兹人和巴勒斯坦人

I wanted to do this work with Israelis and Palestinians,I wanted to try to take all these stones and fragments of different periods of time...

我想与以色列人和巴基斯坦人一道工作 我想要收集来自各个不同时期的所有石头以及碎石料...

- Yeah. -And then, after,build one which was so coherent and complete,

-是的 -接着 然后建造起一座极其具有连贯性且完整的

almost like a library, almost like an index of places, of times,of stories, a mosaic of different places that fit together,-which are this place. - Yeah.

就像图书馆那样的 就像不同地点 时间 以及故事组成的索引 就像相互融合的不同地点组成的马赛克 -就是这个地点 -是的

How can you talk about Israel without talking about Jerusalem, haifa, Hebron, Nablus?

如果不讨论耶路撒冷 海法 希伯仑 以及纳布卢斯 你怎么能讨论以色列呢
