BBC纪录片《文明》第9集 第18期:爆炸的幽灵
日期:2020-12-11 09:20


The little spray of, you know... That is just so beautiful.

你知道这种奔放 喷洒的感觉 无与伦比

- I very much like this part too. - Yeah, yeah, me too.- It looks very mysterious. - Yes.

-这部分很合我意 -是的 我也是 -它看起来非常神秘 -是啊

With his second explosion, Cai has taken the work, and us,into a different world - deep bituminous darkness now mantles everything.

蔡先生用他的第二幅爆炸作品将我们带入了 一个被浑浊的沥青黏稠与压抑感所覆盖的不同世界

All of nature seems hit by choking storms of soot.



Or the black rain of a nuclear winter.


And on those pristine white canvasses appears the ghost of the explosion.

原本洁白崭新的画布上 触目皆是来自爆炸的幽灵

The risks Cai has taken have paid off beyond anything he'd himself imagined.

蔡先生坦言他承受的风险和他的成果相比 简直微不足道

The enactment of the uncomfortable closeness of destruction and creation stands revealed.

