BBC纪录片《文明》第9集 第17期:烈焰的冲击
日期:2020-12-09 10:13


And for good measure, as if prescribing from a book of spells,there was something of a benevolent wizard about Cai Guo-Qiang.

另外 蔡国强还有几分像 从一本咒语书中订购的慈善的魔法师

Actual leaves and flowers are reverently laid down for immolation.

真正的叶子和花朵也被毕恭毕敬地摆下 以备献祭

Oh, it's beautiful, absolutely amazing, yeah.

这太漂亮了 简直是个奇迹

The effect of the explosion is breathtaking but also surprising.

爆炸的效果十分摄人心魄 效果也出人意料


Against the blackened ground, the natural forms stand out with intensified brilliance.

在黑黝黝的地面上 自然的形态 在烈焰的冲击下显现出来

Blooms more, not less, radiant.

花团锦簇 荣光四射 和之前比只多不少

The paradise garden still lives.


But not for long.


Yeah, that is wonderful.


I don't want you to do anything more to it!

它很完美 不需再加任何修饰

For the first time ever, Cai is going to subject his own work to a second act of violent consummation by fire.

这次史无前例的举动 蔡先生要在 第一幅画的基础上进行第二幅焰火作品的创作

He has no idea how it will turn out but whatever happens, he wants a print of it.

他也无法预料最终效果 但无论如何 他都要烧灼出一个结果来

So, five blank canvasses are laid on top of the already-scorched utopia.

于是 这五个空白的画布
