第99期 雅思口语Part 2 想不到多彩的地方?其实缺乏的是发现色彩的眼睛!(多彩的地方 4)
日期:2020-08-25 09:31


雅思口语Part 2: 想不到多彩的地方?其实缺乏的是发现色彩的眼睛!

1.Language is a tool for you to communicate with others. You have to use it, otherwise it goes rusty and does work at all. It is like you've never ever learn it.

2.Language is a part of culture, so the culture actually is changing all the way as the time goes on. so is the language. So, we have to update the database of vocabulary of a certain language we are using

3.There is another tricky point about this topic—what other places I can talk about in my life, I just don't know any places with colors.

4.You don't observe your life a lot. That is the only reason. In fact, in our life I think everywhere is filled with colors.

5.For example, I can make an answer, I like blue very much because I used to swim a lot in my hometown. So, when I think of blue, I think of swimming in the pool and having fun. It is very relaxing. The water is so cool in the summer, and it makes me feel so good.

6.The question about color is difficult to say, but if you think about your test expression like colors, you think about the easiest color, maybe blue, maybe red, maybe yellow, maybe green. Blue can be water, red can be the sun, yellow can be flower, and green can be nature.


1.Update v. 更新
we have to update the database of vocabulary of a certain language we are using

2.Tricky adj. 棘手的
It was a tricky problem but I think we can solve it.

[谈话: Kyle and Julie; 文本: Emma; 排版: Elena ]
