英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1187期:莫妮卡为结婚做计划
日期:2020-08-13 07:30




There()a lot of trees.

There()a pair of shoes.

这两个空的be动词该填什么呢?有答案说are和 is,但我有点弄不明白其中的道理。希望老师帮帮我,谢谢。

2、京晶老师,答疑环节想请教下京晶老师和Henry 老师一下几个问题,

1)Spreadsheet的d 发音吗?

2)想请henry 老师帮忙读一下 when it was a growth company 以及It gives us an opportunity toevaluate one company in strategies of growth and allows us to apply many of thetools we 've already learned .

主要想听"when it was a""Itgives us an opportunity to" 还有"allows us to"什么连读,还有在这种正式的句子里to 要弱读吗?

3)the answer is also somewhereon this spreadsheet . 这里answer is和somewhere on 要连读吗?

4)in looking at this forecast, Being able to, assuming an average 这种ing后面+元音的要连读吗?

5)Both in the environment andwithin the company. both in the 想听老师读读看。


3、两位老师你们好!请问下Henry老师是否可以帮我看看这句话的连读:Just once,couldn't we have a soup that people have heard of,like French onion or Navy bean?尤其是其中couldn't和people have的连读,是否是喉音停顿,以及have如何发音的?非常感谢!

Scene01 制定婚礼计划






Monica: I don't know, my hand feels weird. I guess it's because, I'm engaged!1How long before it startsgetting annoying?

Phoebe: Starts?

Rachel: So let's get started on the wedding plans!

Monica: Okay!

Chandler: Already?

Rachel: Yeah, wegot a lot to do! Wegotta think about the flowers, the caterers, the music…

Chandler: Oh, I got some thoughts on that.

Rachel: Oh wait Chandler,too many cooks…

Ross: Take it from me,as the groomall you have to do is showing up and trying to say the right name.

Monica: Okay!

Chandler: What inGod's name is that?

Ross: Oh my God, the wedding book! I haven't seen that since the fourth grade!

Monica: Thisbaby has got everything. Take,you know,locations for instance. First,organized alphabetically,then geographically, then by square footage.

Phoebe: That is so smart!Break it off. Break itoff now.

Homework: 本周学习,连读掌握

1、Let's get started on the wedding plans!

2、Take it from me,

3、Take locations for instance.

Homework: 课堂纠音,上节连读

1、I knew you were likely to take a wife!

2、We're dying out here!

3、He knows what it's about!
