第89期 雅思口语Part 1 "朋友的品质"如何说得很知性(1)
日期:2020-05-26 17:52



A: Most of the students really have issues with Part 1, because they may not be familiar with the topic.

J: At Part 1, in the beginning, people get really nervous and even want to stop having the test, while facing a foreign examiner with blue eyes or grey eyes.


Though you don't prepare for it, the skills we mention here are still very useful. Because IELTS speaking topics are so closely related to our daily life and conducive to our spoken English.



A: They are going to ask about your daily life. It's nothing out of the box. They're not gonna ask you difficult topics. Above all, don't panic! It's just a very normal conversation.


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Out of the box: It's an expression that describes nonconformal, creative thinking.创造性的,思维不合常规的

Alex means that don't expect to be asking you about astronomy or physics or stuff like that. It's just going to be like about yourself, like your study, hometown, what do you prefer, what do you do. It's gonna be very basic rather than crazy topics.


Topic for this episode: Friends

Q: What do you think makes a good friend

AThree basic qualities: A friend should be honest, trustworthy; they should stand up with you, if you are in trouble and in need.



A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情

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[谈话: Alex and Julie; 文本: Cathie; 排版: Elena ]
