英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1113期:如何度过居家隔离期? 宜忙
日期:2020-03-17 07:59


Dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, do you have anything to say about Covid-19?


Mark: Not more than I've said already. But this quarantine period has sure changed the pace of life.


Jingjing: Yeah, outdoors, everything's quiet and peaceful.


Mark: Right. Also, people's work schedules are all different.


Jingjing: Not everyone. There are some people with the same schedules as before.


Mark: Of course. But for most people, it means a lot of telecommuting.


Jingjing: Do you like it?


Mark: Actually, yes. I have a really heavy teaching schedule this semester. But I have time to get all my work done, including paperwork, because I don't have to commute these days.


Jingjing: You've got it made, with an extra ten or so hours in your week.


Mark: I guess so. Too bad my procrastination habit has gotten worse.


Jingjing: What?! I thought you'd get over it at a time like this.

京晶:什么? ! 我以为你在这样的时期完全克服掉了呢。

Mark: I thought so too. With having to commute, I'd put something off if I didn't have time to finish it before leaving the house. Then, I'd have a mental list of things to do late at night or early in the morning.


Jingjing: Yeah, so, what's it like now?


Mark: Now, it's hard for me to get started on anything. I know I have plenty of time, so I put things off until right before their deadlines.


Jingjing: You're suffering from typical procrastination, Mark. I hope you don't fall behind on all your work.


Mark: So far, it's been OK.


Jingjing: That reminds me of the sentence that's being bandied about these days: How you spend your quarantine predicts how you will spend the rest of your life.

京晶:这让我想起了最近广为流传的一句话: 你如何度过隔离期,预示着你将如何度过余生。

Mark: Wow, I'd better take heed of that! It's time to get started on some projects!

马克:哇,我得留意这个警示! 是时候开始一些工作项目了!

New words : 习语短语

telecommute 远距离工作 远程办公 家庭办公,远距离工作(通过电话、电子邮件等与办公室、客户等进行联系)

to get work done from home, or somewhere else away from the office

<have/keep/make> a mental list

在脑海中列出将来要做的清单 心中默记出一个要完成的列表

keep something (to do) in mind, remember it (for sometime in the near future)

<be> bandied about 广为传播 传开

talk about something a lot, rather carelessly and spontaneously


Dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, do you want to tell me about the projects you'll start during this quarantine period?


Mark: Not really. If I get something finished, I'll show it to you.


Jingjing: OK, then. I'll be looking forward to that.


Mark: Hey, you haven't told me what your workdays are like.


Jingjing: Well, they're pretty much the same. I have to go in, to do the live broadcast every day. I'm not bogged down with meetings, though.


Mark: I bet that's a relief, Jingjing. I remember you saying you didn't like meetings.


Jingjing: Shush about that, Mark. I don't want my boss to hear. Anyway, few people are particularly fond of meetings.


Mark: Some of my colleagues are. They still have lots of meetings online.


Jingjing: I have those also. But it's easier to get other work done while I'm technically attending a meeting—that is, when it's online.


Mark: I hope you have a quiet keyboard on your computer.


Jingjing: I do. It's a stealth keyboard.


Mark: Ha ha. Did you hear the joke about the guy who was sad when the weekend was ending?

马克:哈哈。你听过那个笑话吗? 说的是一个人在周末快结束时就会很伤心。

Jingjing: Nope. How does it go?


Mark: Sunday night, he was grumpy, but then got a message from his boss, that people only had to go to the office on alternate weeks. Fifteen people on, and fifteen people off, every week for the next month or so.


Jingjing: Oh, so his weekend turned into another week plus a weekend?


Mark: Fantastic news, right?


Jingjing: I bet he was happy. Anyway, most people are self-motivated enough to get their work done and to improve themselves. This spring will probably be enlightening for a lot of people.


New words : 习语短语

<be/get> bogged down

<with something> 易感染的,易受影响的,善感的

have too much of something to do, so that you feel slow and overwhelmed (like the feeling of walking through a swamp)

shush 嘘(示意安静下来)

be quiet, don't talk about that

<be> particularly fond <of something> 特别喜欢某事物(常用于否定)

like something (this is often used in the negative, to say politely that a person dislikes someone or something: “I'm not particularly fond of seafood.”)

technically <doing something> 做某事时意图做其他事情

can be seen to be doing something, while the person is really paying attention to something else

stealth 隐身 秘密行动

very quiet or invisible

enlightening 启迪 启发

helping someone gain great wisdom
