英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第1108期:科学防疫不信谣 防疫知识辩真伪
日期:2020-02-28 08:00


Dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, have you been keeping up on the news about Covid-19?


Mark: How could I not keep up on it? It's what we talk about at home, every morning at breakfast. Also, there are articles everywhere I look, social media, news sites...


Jingjing: Don't I know it. There are also a lot of rumors floating around.


Mark: What kind of rumors?


Jingjing: The ones I've seen were mostly about how the virus gets spread. You know, it's mostly from bodily fluids, like saliva and mucus.


Mark: Yeah, so if someone sneezed on a railing, and a second person touched it and then rubbed their eye, the second person could get infected.


Jingjing: Right. That would all have to happen within a fairly short period of time.


Mark: So, the disease gets spread like most cold and flu viruses.


Jingjing: You got it. If someone coughs or sneezes, a second person standing nearby could get infected that way also.


Mark: OK. So, what were some of the more off-the-wall rumors you heard?


Jingjing: One was about the virus being on people's shoes.


Mark: Isn't there a grain of truth to that one? People are always cleaning their shoes when they come home nowadays.


Jingjing: It's a good idea to keep shoes clean. It's not very likely that the virus will still be alive after very long, even if someone sneezed or coughed directly on them.


Mark: So, I guess if someone steps on the virus, it's not going to walk all the way home with them.


Jingjing: Nope, not with all the friction exposed to the soles of people's shoes.

京晶:不,不是所有的摩擦都暴露在鞋底 。

Mark: Aw, there goes my idea to start an anti-bacterial doormat business! Ha ha.


New words : 习语短语

(rumor) floating around 流言四起 满城风雨 甚嚣尘上

an idea, which people keep mentioning, even though no one person seems to be promoting it

off-the-wall 不同寻常的; 稀奇古怪的

weird, unlikely, unsuitable

a grain of truth 一点点道理 一些道理

a small part of something is true or reasonable

friction 摩擦 摩擦力

surface resistance, two objects rubbed against each other

anti-bacterial 抗菌的

something that kills bacteria and/or prevents it from reproducing, usually a chemical (but this adjective can modify an ordinary object – anti-bacterial soap, anti-bacterial socks)


Dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, are you ready to hear a couple of the other Covid-19 rumors?


Mark: Sure. They're good for a laugh anyway.


Jingjing: OK, so this next one is about people who smoke. What do you think the rumor is?


Mark: Um, if I had to guess, I'd say it's about cigarettes keeping the virus alive from the factory to the smoker's mouth.


Jingjing: Not even close. The rumor was that smokers are less susceptible to infection.


Mark: How could that be?


Jingjing: I think it was something about the heat and chemicals. According to the article I saw, there is no data to show that smokers are getting infected any more or less often than non-smokers.


Mark: Another rumor out the window. What was the third one?


Jingjing: Get this: People were afraid that recycled subway cards and tokens could hold the virus.


Mark: You mean those little plastic coins that you get from a machine?


Jingjing: Right. The rumor was that if an infected person returned theirs, all the other tokens might get the virus on them.


Mark: Wow, that's really far-fetched.


Jingjing: Some people are just paranoid, I guess.


Mark: Well, it's better to be safe than sorry. It's a good habit to avoid touching things in public places, and to wear gloves.


Jingjing: Right. I've seen pictures and videos of people taking it too far, though.


Mark: Me too! There was one of a guy getting his hair cut. The barber was wearing a protective suit and had the clippers attached to a one-meter stick.


Jingjing: Ha ha. That's something I gotta see!


New words : 习语短语

susceptible 易感染的,易受影响的,善感的

more likely than other people to get sick, or to get hurt emotionally

out the window 突然失去了、或者是浪费了某样东西、失去信任的

no longer believed to have any value, recently and quickly discredited

far-fetched 牵强附会的 不靠谱的

hard to believe, not close to the truth

paranoid 过度焦虑的 类似妄想狂的;属于偏执狂的

having too many fears, or a constant irrational fear

take too far 做过火 走极端

do too much of something, beyond what is necessary
