第48期 文具店,满满的童年回忆啊~Handwriting(2)
日期:2019-11-13 15:46


Level: upper-intermediate

Q&A Round 3

Do you think it's still important to keep our handwriting neat?

Legible 清晰可读的

We need to make sure our handwriting is to a good standard.

Be to a good standard 达标

Doing calligraphy 写书法

Make a statement/ show one's character 表现个性

Some people's handwriting will tilt a bit leftward or tilt a bit rightward. 字体向左或右侧倾斜。


Q&A Round 4

Do you think technology will completely replace handwriting in the future?

I think handwriting still has its place. 手写还是有它的一席之地。

Technology now is not just through typing, but we can also speech recognition.
这句话是个很有用的逻辑句式,也是Not only...but also...的变体或活用法,7+句型。

Speech recognition 语音识别

In an internationalized/globalized environment 国际化的环境中

Translate on the go 边说边译

In areas of calligraphy, I definitely think handwriting will still be the case.

Be the case 还会是原样,不会受什么事情的影响

Buy cards from the shop and hand write them
这里hand write可以理解为一个动词,很灵活的用法

Get the box out at Christmas time and just have a, you know, read about what their feeling was like at the time.

Have a read about ... 阅读关于…的东西,比如:

Have a read about what are good ways to get rid of cockroach from your home

Trigger one's memory 引发回忆

Bring back memories 引发回忆

Postcards can be sentimental. 卡片可以引发情感。

Sentimental: based on or related to your feelings rather than on practical reasons [Longman]

Calligraphy, as an art form, should be passed down like handicrafts. 书法作为一种艺术形式应该像手工艺品那样被传承。

Stationery shop: 文具店

Highlighters 荧光笔
Automatic pencils 自动铅笔
Traditional pencils 一般铅笔
Glitter pen 水晶笔,这个Julie真心自己没买过,不知道它的大名哈哈哈~

Pens that smell like fruits 有水果香味的笔

I think in that instance, there's something nice about buying a pen.
In that instance 在这种情况下
Maybe the ink flows very well. 墨水下水很流畅

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