1997年波士顿Macworld大会 乔布斯谈与微软的合作(5)
日期:2019-10-29 18:38



Lastly, I want to just talk a little about Apple and the brand and what it means, I think, to a lot of us. You know, I think you always had to be a little different to buy an Apple computer. When we shipped the Apple II, you had to think different about computers. Computers were these things you saw in movies, they occupied giant rooms. They weren't these things you had on your desktop.
最后,我说一点有关苹果和这个品牌的亊情,我想它对我们很多人都意义重大F8Xl%#fG]L;m2_h!23A。你们知道,我认为你们去买一台苹果计算机的时候总会有一些不一样@T#^&w_u|~N+5。当我们运作 Apple II的时候,你必须改变对计算机的认识了6r8gh8m23DCH+^%psxU+。计算机曾经是那种你在电影里看到的,占据了一间巨大屋子的那种=4;W[_NuOGs。不是你可以放在桌面的那种+Ri&BK2J=oHY


1997年波士顿Macworld大会 乔布斯谈与微软的合作


You had to think differently because there wasn't any software at the beginning. You had to think differently when a first computer arrived at a school where there had never been one before and it was an Apple II. I think you had to think really differently when you bought a Mac. It was a totally different computer, worked in a totally different way, used a totally different part of your brain. And it opened up a computer world for a lot of people who thought differently. You were buying a computer with an installed base of one. You had to think differently to do that. And I think you still have to think differently to buy an Apple computer. And I think the people that do buy them do think differently and they are the creative spirits in this world. They are the people that are not just out to get a job done, they are out to change the world. And they're out to change the world using whatever great tools they can get. And we make tools for those kinds of people.
还有一点不同就是因为刚开始的时候也没有什么软件M|0cg;c@,!O^uOFDTc。你一定有不同的想法,因为刚开始当第一台Apple II抵达学校的时候,之前那儿是从来没有过的,)7X&lrE1YK,Y&@DD。我想当你买Mac电脑的时候,你对计算机的看法一定会大有改观d6*t-z4.8yHT9IG.。那是完全不一样的计算机,以一种完全不一样的方式运行,你要运用大脑里完全不同的部分V3mGD5)KbRAy。它为很多想法不同的人打开了计算机的世界yeaoflwNAsMTqaWCJew。你买的是一台安装好系统的计算机,是一体的r][@DYW(@Tlu2|Ywui。你那时必须以完全不同的方式认识它i|[|.=2l]dFT3P(HuZj。你现在仍会在买一台苹果计算机的时候产生新的想法-.jDTr2f7Hc(7H.。我想那些购买它的人,一定有不一样的思考模式,他们是这个世界上最具有创新精神的人k2X^)y|t@knt#。那些人出门不是去找一份工作,而是去改变世界iWrSi2fEl-inv。并且他们使用任何他们可能获得的绝妙工具去改变世界Mc|6EV5i9Bx4EaT3。我们就是在为这些人制造工具VxtcVbP+PIX&^
So hopefully what you've seen here today are some beginning steps that give you some confidence that we, too, are going to think differently, and serve the people that have been buying our products since the beginning. Because a lot of times people think that they're crazy. But in that craziness, we see genius, and those are the people we're making tools for. Thank you very much.
