第42期 吃货的最高境界!Dianping app (2)
日期:2019-08-23 11:30


Level: upper-intermediate

Q&A Round 3
What is the most fascinating feature of Dianping in your eyes?
Let me tell you how I came across it.

Come across 遇见,偶遇 [Phrasal verb]

My friends loaded it up in Dianpingwang. 朋友把饭店【外婆家】的信息传到了大众点评网上。

Load sth. up 上传

Not only did I then have the name of the restaurant which I could show to the tax [driver],
I could also look at the pictures and the information, and the star, and also how much money it costs...

The star 饭店或【其他服务场所】的星级

High-end restaurants 高级饭店

Some authentic local restaurants can actually be very good value for money.

Be good value for money = Be worth its cost

Cheap 就不同,可能是便宜但质量很差

Nasty 恶心的
吃货的最高境界! (1).jpg

Share sth to your circle of friends on Wechat 在微信朋友圈分享动态

Something当然可以是任何你想分享的东东, generally, what's going on in your life
You can also favor it. 你也可以收藏它。

Favo(u)r vt. 收藏

It saves me having to type out the name and ...as well, the information is already all in there.

Save sb. having to do sth. 省了做某事的麻烦,很地道、灵活的用法哦

9 yuan is really cheap [for the umbrella] but the thing is when you opened it..., it just broke. It came apart.

The thing is... 很好地转折语,“但问题是…”

Break 坏掉

Come apart 支离破碎,散架

They can come in handy when we are in urgent need of them.

Come in handy 方便

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