第23期 网络支付正在淘汰你的钱包吗?电子商务(2)
日期:2019-08-21 18:20


Level: intermediate

Q&A Round 2
As a foreigner, what kind of online shopping experience do you have or have you had? 作为外国人在中国有哪些网购的经历分享?
The thing was that... when I came to china...
The thing is...是个著名的高分强调句型,“问题是……/现实情况是……”

The truth is“现实情况是……”
The point is“关键是……”
Eleven Eleven: 双十一, 也可以说Double Eleven
Every one was going crazy. 每个人都跟疯了一样【大肆购物】。
That was the first time I came across that [online shopping].

Come across: 遇见,碰到
Make an account: 开账户, open an account [以前指银行开户,现在也可以用来指网络开户]

Now almost everything I buy, be it a toothpaste, I usually buy it on Taobao.
Be it ... 不管是…【这么小的东西】,or...
I love reading, be it a novel or a comic book, I can always concentrate on it as long as it is intriguing. 我喜欢阅读,不管是小说还是漫画书,只要有趣我就能集中精力去读。
I can buy anything and everything... All I need to do is to search it and I will have a thousand options.
Anything and everything: 所有,任何东西,叠用起强调作用,强调品类多
All I need to do is [to] do: 我只需要……【就可以了】。


Q&A Round 3
What are the differences between E-commerce in China and E-commerce in the U.S?
E-commerce as a whole works the same in every country, however, one thing that really amazes me about China is ...

As a whole总体来说
They are always available to answer my questions.
Available: 总在线,总能找得到
Return the goods 退货
Get refund 退款

Make special arrangements for me 做特殊安排,提供特殊服务
They are always willing to help me no matter what. 无论怎样总很愿意帮忙。
这是一个很Adam的句型,非常灵活, what后面其实就可以这样直接省略。要想加回来也可以,...no matter what requests I would have/no matter what situation it is. 你也可以灵活地加东西在what后面。
Some sellers are holding monopoly. 垄断,注意搭配
Be willing to accommodate 迁就,顺从

What do you think about China’s e-commerce? Has it given you a sense of happiness in a certain way? 你对中国的电子商务怎么看?有没有感受到一丢丢幸福感呢?

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  • intriguingadj. 吸引人的,有趣的 vbl. 密谋,私通
  • accommodatevi. 使自己适应 vt. 使一致,和解;提供方便;容纳
  • monopolyn. 垄断,专利,独占,控制
  • comicn. 连环图画,喜剧演员,喜剧元素 adj. 滑稽的,有
  • willingadj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的
  • certainadj. 确定的,必然的,特定的 pron. 某几个,某
  • concentratev. 集中,专心,浓缩 n. 浓缩物
  • availableadj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的
  • toothpasten. 牙膏