经济学人双语拓展(MP3+文本) 第4期:太空战,未来战争的下一个前沿
日期:2019-06-10 16:23



The 1,300 active satellites above the Earth provide a wide array of services, some of which are vital for emergency response and for the military. An attack on a country's satellites could be catastrophic and many worry that space may become a new theater of war. Large powers have developed various capabilities for destroying satellites. Now, companies are building advanced service spacecraft that could become weapons. The purpose of these service craft is to repair and move existing satellites, but all it takes is a change of intent for these spacecraft to become war craft.


The Chinese space weapon test, which destroyed one of its own defunct satellites in 2007 created a great deal of debris that put other satellites in danger. If debris from one act of destruction goes on to destroy further satellites, a chain reaction could ensue, rendering some orbits unusable. This is known as the Kessler Syndrome. Because America's Armed Forces gained more capability from satellites than any other country, America has the most to lose from war in space. It is planning to increase its capabilities in the area. President Trump wants a new Space Force. The world will hope for peace in the cosmos, but history suggests that such ideals are not easily maintained. why are humans going to Mars?



debris n.碎片,残骸;

Debris is trash scattered around after a disaster, like shattered glass on the road after a car accident.


ensue v. 接踵发生,继而产生;

If the Europeans did not reduce subsidies, a trade war would ensue.


render v.给予;使成为;

Whether in motion or seated, the figures are rendered as unfixed, their contours repeating like flickering, sequential frames in a stop-motion animation.


maintain vt.维修;保持;主张;

The Department maintains many close contacts with the chemical industry



