第18期 健身=时尚?(1)
日期:2019-05-02 16:45



Spring is around the corner. 春天就要来了。

Christ Evans 克里斯埃文斯 Captain America美国队长
休杰克曼 金刚狼
汤姆哈迪 蝙蝠侠

Q&A Round 1
Julie: What kind of people do you think should do more resistance exercise and what kind more cardio?
Resistance exercise/weight training 力量型运动
Aesthetics: 审美学,在健身上就是看着好看啊。
Resistance exercise is more about aesthetics and strength. 力量型运动主要在于雕塑身材和增强力量。

Powerful 有劲的,有力量的

Cardio exercise: 有氧运动,是cardiovascular,心血管的

Cardiovascular system is the system that pumps blood around your body such as your heart, your lungs, veins and your blood vessels.

Pump vt. 打气,这里是指心脏把血液输送到身体各个部分,心脏起着泵一样的作用。
Lung 肺部
Veins 静脉
Bloods vessels 血管
Arteries 动脉

最常见的有氧运动包括:swimming, running, cycling骑行,rowing 划船

They give you a lot more health benefits than weight training.

Give you health benefits 对健康有好处

Also, it burns a lot more calories than weight training, which means it's a lot more useful in weight loss. 有氧运动燃烧更多卡路里,所以对减肥更有效。

Burn calories 燃脂,消耗热量 这里calories显然应该常用复数
Weight loss 减重,减脂

Cardio workout/weight training workout 还是有氧运动/力量型运动,这里用workout来替换exercise和training,所以我们是提醒,考雅思别忘了同意替换常备重要哦。
