经典文学《简·爱》(MP3+中英字幕) 第375期
日期:2019-04-30 10:09


"Well, for cool native impudence and pure innate pride, you haven't your equal," said he.
We were now approaching Thornfield.
"Will it please you to dine with me to-day?" he asked, as we re-entered the gates.
"No, thank you, sir."
"And what for, 'no, thank you?' if one may inquire."
"I never have dined with you, sir: and I see no reason why I should now: till..."
"Till what? You delight in half-phrases."


"Till I can't help it."
"Do you suppose I eat like an ogre or a ghoul, that you dread being the companion of my repast?"
"I have formed no supposition on the subject, sir; but I want to go on as usual for another month."
"You will give up your governessing slavery at once."
"Indeed, begging your pardon, sir, I shall not. I shall just go on with it as usual.
I shall keep out of your way all day, as I have been accustomed to do:
you may send for me in the evening, when you feel disposed to see me, and I'll come then; but at no other time."

  • inquirevt. 询问,查究 vi. 询问,查究
  • disposedadj. 愿意的,想干的,有 ... 倾向的 动词dis
  • companionn. 同伴,同事,成对物品之一,(船的)甲板间扶梯(或扶
  • priden. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心 vt. 以 .
  • delightn. 高兴,快乐 v. (使)高兴,(使)欣喜
  • suppositionn. 想像,推测,推想
  • havenn. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,
  • pardonn. 原谅,赦免 vt. 宽恕,原谅
  • innateadj. 天生的,固有的
  • accustomedadj. 习惯了的,通常的