英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第909期: 21世纪摩登office
日期:2019-03-29 05:51


Dialogue 1
Jingjing: Mark, do you notice anything new about the office?
Mark: The Spring Festival decorations have been taken down. Is that right?
Jingjing: Um, that was a long time ago. You've been here since then. Guess again.
Mark: Hey, new chairs! Yeah, those are really different, and everybody has one.
Jingjing: Yeah, they're super comfortable. Try one!
Mark: Wow, I see what you mean. I feel like I could work all day in one of these. I always liked how your office is full of plants and sunshine, even though it faces the north.
Jingjing: Yeah, a lot of offices are cold and depressing, or chaotic. We try to avoid that here.
Mark: It's different from the offices where I work.
Jingjing: Oh yeah? How so?
Mark: Well, at one company, we do hot desking. That's because we have fewer desks than people working.
Jingjing: Is that where no one really has their own desk?
Mark: That's it. Most people have their work materials on notebook PCs and on cloud. So, it's easy to take an empty desk, work for a while, then leave it clear.
Jingjing: That's the sign of a nimble company. What about the other one?
Mark: The other office is along a long hallway. Each office is a small room with two or three people who always work there—except the boss: she has an office to herself.
Jingjing: That sounds very traditional.
Mark: Yeah, that second one is ideal for a few solid hours of work. The first one is better for meetings and multitasking.
Jingjing: Well, it's cool to think about how different offices make people work differently.

New words : 习语短语
chaotic 杂乱的,纷乱的
many people moving and making noise, so that it's hard to do anything smoothly
hot desking 轮流使用办公桌
using a different desk every day, not having your own desk
nimble 灵活的
able to change quickly
solid hours 固定时间,整块时间做某事
a time doing one thing without stopping
multitasking 多任务
doing several different kinds of work at the same time

Dialogue 2
Mark: Thanks for meeting me out here for lunch.
Jingjing: No problem. Why'd you suggest this place?
Mark: Well, last time, we talked about offices. So, I wanted you to see this place. Have you been to an office park like this one before?
Jingjing: Lots of times. But this one takes the cake. I bet, after we eat, we can find some place to sit and chat about work.
Mark: Yeah, that's what I had in mind. There's so much green space and so many open areas with benches and chairs.
Jingjing: It's nice to see so many people out for a stroll during the lunch break.
Mark: It's modern, to be sure. I think this used to be a factory.
Jingjing: I can see that. Some of the low-lying buildings look older.
Mark: It's kind of charming that they've been turned into coffee shops and restaurants.马克:它们被改建成咖啡店和餐厅还挺有味道的。
Jingjing: Do you think companies get more out of their people, if they set up their offices in a place like this?
Mark: It makes a big difference, I bet. You can look in through the windows and see some work areas are pretty cramped, though.
Jingjing: Anyway, being out of the city center is nice. People here can go for a run after lunch. And there are plenty of parking places.
Mark: Yeah, this is really a 21st Century office park.
Jingjing: Let's go to the book store. I want to browse some books and get a drink.
Mark: I'll recommend a fruit smoothie, if you pay for it.
Jingjing: Ha ha, very funny. It was your idea to come here. How about making it your treat?

New words : 习语短语
it takes the cake 最好的,一流的
it is the best/worst I've seen
green space 绿色空间
areas like parks and gardens, where people can relax and connect with nature
stroll 散步,溜达
walk in a relaxed way, usually slowly, without having to go anywhere soon
cramped 狭窄,拥挤
too many people and objects in a small space
city center 城市中心区
downtown (for Beijing this would be most places inside the 3rd Ring)

  • hallwayn. 门厅;玄关;走廊
  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • avoidvt. 避免,逃避
  • chaoticadj. 混乱的
  • relaxedadj. 放松的, 松懈的,随意的 relax的过去式(
  • crampedadj. 狭促的,难懂的,难辨的
  • strolln. 闲逛,漫步 v. 闲逛,漫步
  • recommendvt. 建议,推荐,劝告 vt. 使成为可取,使受欢迎
  • charmingadj. 迷人的
  • traditionaladj. 传统的