日期:2019-03-06 14:33



Some technologies dramatically enhance the accuracy and speed of clinicians' efforts. Identifying a bacterial or viral infection, and the best drugs to treat it, can mean long waits for blood cultures. But scientists have developed biochips that can do a complete microbial scan in a couple of hours, without culturing -- and in the process may identify mutations that make some microbes antibiotic resistant.
The boom in research into the human microbiome -- the trillions of bacteria on and in each individual's body -- is encouraging new modes of diagnosis and increasing understanding. Genetic analysis could help unlock the many secrets of the gut microbiome, believed to play a role in the risk and development of obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, cardiovascular disease, and even neurologic conditions.


Thanks to artificial intelligence and machine learning, diagnostic tools can be trained to read tissue samples and radiologic scans. Google researchers fed more than a quarter-million patients' retinal scans into algorithms that recognize patterns -- and the technology "learned" to spot which patterns predict a patient has high blood pressure or is at increased risk for heart attack or stroke. In some comparisons, digital tools produced more accurate analyses than did human pathologists, dermatologists, or radiologists.


1.a couple of 几个
Whereas if only I and a couple of other people like it, then it must be really something special.

2.unlock the secret 解开秘密
nce Japan is yours, you will unlock the secret to the legend of the lost army of rebel monks.

3.at increased risk 处于增加的风险中
Former smokers, or those who smoked less than half a pack per day, did not appear to be at increased risk.

  • tissuen. (生物的)组织,织物,薄绢,纸巾
  • legendn. 传说,传奇
  • boomn. 繁荣,低沉声,帆杠,水栅 vi. 急速增长,发出低
  • accurateadj. 准确的,精确的
  • analysisn. 分析,解析
  • pressuren. 压力,压强,压迫 v. 施压
  • rebeln. 叛徒,起义者,反叛者 adj. 造反的,反抗的 v
  • stroken. 笔画,击打,一笔(画)连续的动作,中风, v. 奉
  • identifyvt. 识别,认明,鉴定 vi. 认同,感同身受
  • bacterian. (复数)细菌