英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第888期: 四川麻辣春节 vs.元宵常用口语
日期:2019-02-22 05:52


Dialogue 1 新春口语
Mark: Hey, Jing Jing! Long time no see! How’d your New Year holiday go?
Jingjing:It was great! But it went by too quickly! Wow, Mark, it looks like you’ve packed on some pounds.
Mark:Yeah, I sure did! I spent my holiday in Sichuan. The grub there is out of this world! I liked the spicy sausage best
Jingjing:You were in Sichuan?
Mark: Yes!I had so much fun in Sichuan. I posted a picture of myself at Wuhouci, and believe it or not, one of our fans works there! She offered me free tickets to visit the temple fair!Aren’t we lucky to have such wonderful fans?
Jingjing:What a sweet person! During my trip, I had a huge get together with my family. My parents even tried to set me up on a blind date! I didn’t enjoy it much, but I had no choice!
Mark:I totally understand. Oh, I got a lot of red envelopes from my friends, and I gave a lot away too!
Jingjing:Hey, where’s my red envelope?
Mark:Uhh… Anyways, I did a lot of sleeping in. It felt so good to catch up on all those hours of missed sleep!
Jingjing:Not me, I took advantage of my time at home. I visited lots of temples, burned incense, and prayed for happiness. My favorite time was setting off fireworks. We used electronic ones this time, in order to protect the environment!
Mark:Oh, cool! I wanted to buy some fireworks this year too, but…
Jingjing:But what?
Mark:But I lost all of my money playing ma jiang!

New words : 习语短语
Pack on some pounds = to gain weight 体重增加
Grub =slang for “food” 食物的俚语
Out of this world = amazing 了不起的,世界一流水平的
Get together = (noun) a reunion, or a gathering of a lot of people 团聚,聚在一起
Blind date= 相亲
Have nochoice = 无奈;不得不
Sleep in = 睡懒觉
Burn incense = 上香,烧香

Dialogue 2 新春口语
Mark: Hey, Jingjing,I've really had a great time in Beijing during the Spring Festival. I'm so sad that it's coming to an end.
Jingjing: Don't get too sad, we still have a red letter day coming up.
Mark: Oh yeah? What day is that?
Jingjing: The Lantern Festival! It's on the fifteenth day of the first month.
Mark: But it's already the middle of February, didn't we miss it?
Jingjing: No, Chinese people go by the lunar calendar to celebrate this holiday.
Mark: Okay, so fill me in, what do Chinese people do on this special day?
Jingjing: Well, in Chinese we call it “Yuan Xiao Jie”. The first month of the Chinese calendar is called yuan month, and in ancient times people called night xiao.
Mark: I see, so why is it called the Lantern Festival in English then?
Jingjing: In early times,young people were chaperoned in the streets in hopes of finding love. Matchmakers tried to hook people up.The brightest lanterns were signs of good luck and hope.
Mark: What about nowadays?
Jingjing: Nowadays people enjoy guessing lantern riddles and eating tangyuan.
Mark: I think I better practice my Chinese so that I can crack the riddles.
Jingjing: That's right,good luck and have a happy Yuan Xiao Jie!

New words : 习语短语
a red letter day = 重要的日子,节日
the Lantern Festival = 元宵节
go by: according to = 遵循
fill me in = 告诉我
chaperone = 陪伴;监护
matchmaker = 媒人
hook someone up = 牵线搭桥
nowadays =如今
to crack (a riddle, a code, a legal case, etc.) = 解开(谜语,密码,法律难题等等)
