英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第805期:翻译入门(10)
日期:2018-09-25 18:27


Traditionally, tourists have trekked to the star of Thailand’s north in search of M.E.A.T.: markets, elephants, artisans and temples. And Chiang Mai, a laid-back old riverside city whose population (fewer than 200,000) is a fraction of Bangkok’s (more than eight million), obliges those fantasies. But these days the 700-year-old city is brimming with far more modern attractions, too, namely the works of artists and designers. Thanks to a blossoming creative scene, a Chiang Mai weekend now offers the chance to soak up contemporary art in world-class exhibition spaces, purchase stylish 21st-century design in new shops and craft villages, and sleep in gallery-like new hotels, from the frivolous to the fancy. The culinary and night life scenes are also thriving, with ambitious upstart restaurants and a buzzing bar district joining the city’s traditional eating rooms and street-food zones.

1) 5 p.m. HANDMADE HAVEN1)
下午5点 手工艺品的聚集地
Handmade creations abound along Charoenrat Road. Siam meets Soho at Woo, a cafe and concept store that blooms with Thai creativity — literally — starting with plants and exquisite floral arrangements. The upstairs art gallery exhibits painting and sculpture, while the boutique’s wide-ranging collection includes rice extract lip balm, minimalist ceramics, kaleidoscopic hippie-chic dresses and a skull covered with tiny white seashells. Down the street, The Meeting Room Art Cafe is piled with stacks of prints and canvases by local artists — all for sale.
Charoenrat路是买手工艺品的好地方。暹罗和苏荷在Woo相遇。这是一家咖啡馆和概念店,泰式创意在这里绽放——是真的有花朵绽放——从植物和精致的插花开始。楼上的艺廊展出绘画和雕塑,而精品店里的商品则包罗万象,有大米提取物润唇膏、极简主义风格的陶瓷、千变万化的嬉皮风连衣裙,以及覆盖着白色小贝壳的骷髅。沿街而行,你会看到The Meeting Room Art Cafe咖啡馆,里面堆满了当地艺术家的版画和油画作品(全都可以出售)。

2) 10 a.m. WISDOM OF THE WAT4)
First the bad news: “All things arise, exist and expire.” On the other hand: “Detachment is a great way to relax.” Such are just a few of the maxims on signs that adorn trees in Wat Umong, a forested sprawl of temples, pavilions, statues, fountains and lakes. Founded in the late 13th century and still home to many Buddhist monks, the complex is best known for its bell-shaped, 14th-century stone pagoda. Beat the heat by arriving in the morning and taking a meditative stroll amid a soundtrack of birds, roosters, chants and bells.
先是坏消息:“万物成住坏空。”另一方面:“超然是放松的好办法。”这些是写在悟孟寺(Wat Umong)树木标志上的一些格言,庞大的悟孟寺位于森林之中,有寺庙、亭子、雕像、喷泉和湖泊。该建筑群建于13世纪末,如今仍然是许多佛教僧侣的家园,这里最出名的是14世纪的钟形石塔。趁着早上凉快赶去那里,在鸟儿、公鸡、诵咏和铃铛的伴奏下,沉下心来漫步。
