日期:2018-07-04 11:18



It's the New Hampshire Primary, almost as we speak,
我们说话的同时 新罕布什尔州的初选正在进行
and you have spent time with the Clintons at the white house, right?
你曾跟克林顿一家在白宫共同居住过一段时间 是吗
Yes, I—they screamed proxy, which is a movie I did with the cotton brothers.
对 他们喜欢我演的影子大亨 是科恩兄弟写的一部电影
An incredible movie you did with the cotton brothers. It's amazing.
的确是部很好的电影 很不错
So they invite us to light up the screen movie at the white house.
他们邀请我去白宫 还放了这部电影
And which seems crazy, but they do.
听起来很不可思议 但是是真事
And then they invite whoever wants to come who made a movie there and then you eat with them.
他们还邀请了想参加的人 我们一起吃饭




Oh? Yes! What do they smell like?
哇 太好了 他们闻起来什么味
Really? Really tired.
真的吗 真的很疲劳
What does Bill Clinton smell like?
If tired has a smell, that's it. Really?
如果疲劳有味道的话 那就是他了 真的吗
He works hard! Musk, like a rugged musk.
他工作很辛苦 那就是麝香吧
I don't remember that, but that would be good.
我不记得了 有的话也不错啊
Yeah. And so you're there.
嗯 所以你当时也去了
I'm there. Well, yeah, you get the tour.
对 后面还有旅行什么的
And here's the strangest thing that's still slightly like my obsession is that
最奇怪的是 我现在还老是想
there is a guest bedroom at the white house and in it is a room service menu.
白宫里有一间客房 里面有一份服务清单
And I almost stole it.
It was like a magnet. And my hand—
就像有磁性一样 我的手就——
But there is a secret service guy standing right there.
And I kept think this fantasizing how do I get into it my purse, how, how, how.
我就一直想怎么样能把这个单子藏到我包里去 怎么办怎么办
And I memorized it, but I did not steal it.
然后我就记下来了 就没偷
No! And I am still thinking about it—
不是吧 我还在想——
It can go straight up back to have the pants!
Like a porn mag! Down the back of the pants!
像色情杂志里面那样 就塞到裤子里
A Clinton secret service guy, he's like—
那有一个服务生 他——
They wouldn't have cared, right. Yeah.
他们不会在意的 对吧
If either of you go, just take the menu for me.
I'll remember that because it's almost certainly about to happen!
我记住了 我一定会去拿的
